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1 Feb 05, 2008 13:39    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Help required please!!!

I have a number of users who can access a blog. They are members of this blog but although i want them to add new blog entries and i don't want them to be able to edit other entries. When i go into the user permissions and add the options these are for both post and edit???!?!!!

I have installed the "Edit Permissions Control Plugin" but this doesn't seem to have helped. Am i missing something really simple here??


2 Feb 05, 2008 13:49

Hi callan,

Please tell me what version of B2evo you are using.

3 Feb 05, 2008 14:46

This problem is solved in 2.x releases...
So if possible upgrade to 2.4 and you have all the customizations to your at your fingertips

4 Feb 05, 2008 15:04


Version is 1.10.2

My hosts are siteground and this is the version that they install through their server. Any ideas please? Is it possible with my current version?

5 Feb 05, 2008 18:54

@callan1974: there is a plugin called something like "editprmcntrl" by user name balupton that does what you seek, and you might be able to find a hack that did the same thing by user name EdB. Searching the forums should find one of those methods.

@Topanga: how is this solved in 2.*? I set up a 240 blog with 3 users (admin and 2 people). All are in the admin group and all are level 10 and all can edit each other's works. I have not tried very hard to find it on my own but since it came up I figured it was okay to ask ;)

6 Feb 05, 2008 21:49


Thanks for that. i had a search thought the forums and tried a few things. Managed to uplod the editprmcntrol to my site. However the settings for user permission s hasn't changed even for a new user.

As a stop gap i ahce restricted users to add draft blogs so they cannot edit others but not really a solution. Im probably missing somethi really silly in the settings cos from your posts it does appear to work for others.


Any advice warmly welcomed!

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