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1 Feb 26, 2008 23:42    

My b2evolution Version: 1.8.x

Every now and again, perhaps every 10-15 comments or so, a commenter makes a comment to my blog the body of which appears to be only three numbers, e.g. 448, or, today, [url=]376[/url]. Always three numbers, never anything else. No pattern discernible. User name and email are in place.
I'm fairly sure from the nature of these comments that they are legit comments, but somehow the comment body is not there.

My first thought was that it was a problem with the user getting muddled with the captcha, but actually my captcha only uses letters so I don't think it is that.

Any ideas...?

2 Feb 27, 2008 00:20

Is it from the same commenter?

3 Feb 27, 2008 00:41

If the three numbers correspond to the post_ID, then you owe me 1 gram of gold :)

How do I know? Because that's a very old bug that got fixed in 1.9 I believe.

Check [url=]this post[/url] from eons ago (the search is your friend) to see the whole history and the provisional fix.

The final solution though would be to upgrade at least to one of 1.9.x series I believe.

4 Feb 27, 2008 00:48

Are we glad somebody can remember things like that ...
Blueyed's solution is upgrading the captcha plugin. That *might* mean that you need to upgrade your blog first, but you'll have to check that out yourself.

5 Feb 27, 2008 18:31

Well, that explains a lot. I tried the updated plugin and sure enough, it only works for 1.9.x+

Another reason for me to upgrade this blog.

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