2 edb Mar 02, 2008 01:33

Do you get anything for your points? :lol: If there is money involved I may well hog them all!
More stars, then bigger stars, then more bigger stars.
Somehow it translates to how valuable/helpful/good someone is in here. I don't know the code behind it, but for sure someone with a lot of nice posts will have a better rep than someone with the same number of mean posts.
I wont get many for being helpful - but I'm a friendly sort - thanks for giving me a rep Ed8 ;) First time Ive said that to a man! ;)
The best solution is to donate all your points to me ;)
Mainly cos I only have a small one .... bet you never thought you'd hear a man admit that either! ..... but I was on about stars :|
Aw shucks ma'am ...
Personally I'd prefer that you keep your points, but hey I won't complain. I will, of course, return them ;)