2 afwas Mar 05, 2008 04:41

One day I'm gonna have to add b2evolution.net to the list of sites my hot-link protector allows so I can do cool stuff like that. Till then I'll write little books that *should* be worth at least one screen cap ;)
My proposed caption is: A Picture Says More Than A Thousand Words
Hey this is cool. I decided to hack the evobar (which I didn't use on the front side anyway) and now have no drop-down menus AND quick paths to the sub-tabs I like. Plugins, Plugins Install, Blog Widgets, File manager with multiple upload and expand all the boxes - stuff like that. PLENTY of room up there when you wipe out the duplicated stuff :)
urm, when I scroll my screen the toolbar wanders off with it? ..... hmmmm .... /me goes to look @ version ...... is 0.9.3 old?
/me tries 2.4.x ...... ohhhhh, trippy
I can't understand what you are really talking about but I imagine you must be having fun. But the word 'trippy' really got me going. So thanks ¥åßßå
If I understand correctly, the Flash stats movie is partially disappearing?
I've run into that a lot... Flash has this weird issue where it hates HTML elements in DIV layers appearing on top of it, and then doesn't like to "repaint" itself.
It's made it hellish to make websites that have a Flash element playing, and a dropdown HTML nav above it.
Very selfish, Flash is. :)