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1 Mar 04, 2008 22:59    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Do you have any idea why the flash objects validate e.g. here:

but doesn't validate here?

... I run out of ideas...

2 Mar 04, 2008 23:15

Just remove "/" from the end of the object tag, you already close it with </object>

5 Mar 06, 2008 20:32

Whether or not you should be concerned about it is up to you. Personally I like the idea of doing valid code, but for a fact what really matters is if it works well across multiple browsers. Like, "valid" doesn't mean "works" is what I mean.

You have divs inside a p tag. Shame on you!

6 Mar 06, 2008 20:33

<p>Here's a demo of mp3 player:<br />

you didn't close <p> tag

We're better than Youtube ;)

7 Mar 06, 2008 21:29

Yeeeah... shame on me :) Just the auto_p plugin probably enters it without my knowledge :D

EDIT: Yeaaah... now it's valid :D

8 Mar 06, 2008 21:48

I suspected auto-P was related to the issue. Like, you probably had

here is the opening of a paragraph
[[here is a plugin doing it's thing]]
[[here is another instance of a plugin]]
here is the end of my text.

Auto-P doesn't see that as paragraphs because it doesn't see a blank line between lines.

here is the opening of a paragraph

[[here is a plugin doing it's thing]]
[[here is another instance of a plugin]]

here is the end of my text.

This would have been handled differently because it would have seen the empty line. Both instances of the plugin would also be in a P tag IF auto-P is not smart enough to figure out to not wrap a div in a P tag. I think it is but I don't know for sure.

9 Mar 06, 2008 21:55

Maybe it's because I made the video plugin priority=80, and auto_p is priority=70...? Anyway, I can always disable it in posts in which I want to embed flash player. Thanks :D

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