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1 Mar 08, 2008 02:29    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Hello Again: :D

This just came up....

One of the bloggers accidentally posted (a draft) in the Home Blog rather than her own (she has Moderator privileges). I unchecked the Main Site, but it is still listed under the Main Site and not the bloggers.

Does the blog need to be erased under Home and reposted under that person's blog or can the entire thing be moved?


2 Mar 08, 2008 02:36

In /conf/admin.php you find this:

 * Cross posting
 * Possible values:
 *   - -1 if you don't want to use categories at all
 *   - 0 if you want users to post to a single category only
 *   - 1 if you want to be able to cross-post among multiple categories
 *   - 2 if you want to be able to cross-post among multiple blogs/categories
 *   - 3 if you want to be able to change main cat among blogs (which will move the
 *       posts from one blog to another; use with caution)
 * @todo fp>This should be moved to the backoffice.
 * In the BO, this should actually be split into:
 * App Settings:
 *  checkbox         [] allow cross posting
 *  another checkbox [] allow moving posting between different blogs
 * Each blog's settings: radio between:
 *    o One category per post
 *    o Multiple categories per post (requires transparent handling of main cat)
 *    o Main cat + extra cats
 *    o Don't use categories  (this requires to transparently manage a default category)
 * @global int $allow_cross_posting
$allow_cross_posting = 1;

Use setting number 3 with care (change to 3, move the post and change back to what you want.)

Good luck

3 Mar 08, 2008 02:43

Everything is doable. I forget what version you have. 2.4.0 I hope. Aw crap what was the question? It doesn't matter. Just do like Afwas says and you'll be fine.

4 Mar 09, 2008 19:35

Ah, sooooo!

Thank you very much! :D

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