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1 Mar 11, 2008 04:30    

My b2evolution Version: 1.8.x

Here is my blog address: This is what I did - I renamed the index.html page at as index.html.bak. I have been told it loads in a frame. I would like to change that but still maintain the URL above. Readers know this URL and not

Many thanks!
- ecology

2 Mar 11, 2008 13:41

Why don't you install the blog directly in /localecologist/ instead of /blogs/ ? You then just select blog number 2 as the default in the backoffice and that's it. That's what I would do.

Others alternatives would involve tinkering with your .htaccess in order to transparently show /blogs/ everytime a user requests /localecologist/.

I prefer the first solution. In order to do this you would need to transfer your b2evolution directory structure to /localecologist/ and then change the $baseurl variable in conf/basic_config.php in order to reflect the new base of your blog.

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