2 lucas81 Jun 10, 2004 12:37

You can enable this in .../blogs/conf/_formatting.php.
Look for this bit:
// DEFINITION of allowed XHTML code for COMMENTS (posted from the public blog pages)
Add "<img>" to the list of $comment_allowed_tags.
IMG tags are not allowed in comments because it allows strangers to link to big files and whatnot. File uploading is not implemented in comments like it is in posts, because it would be insanely insecure. (Someone could use your site to host their own porn gallery!)
isaac wrote:
You can enable this in .../blogs/conf/_formatting.php.
Look for this bit:
// DEFINITION of allowed XHTML code for COMMENTS (posted from the public blog pages)
Add "<img>" to the list of $comment_allowed_tags.
IMG tags are not allowed in comments because it allows strangers to link to big files and whatnot. File uploading is not implemented in comments like it is in posts, because it would be insanely insecure. (Someone could use your site to host their own porn gallery!)
Ok. I see the point. Thank you very much!
One question for advice. my personal blog posts photos. If there are too many in one new post, that will be too long. that is why I like to post some photos in comment. is there any better way to post pictures/photos? or is there an addon to serve as a photo album for b2e? like phpnuke? just want to explore some options. thanks again!
There's several ways you can split up a post. Using <!--more--> will put any text after it only on the permalink page (text before is shown on both the main list page and permalink page).
You could also use the multipage posts option by using <!--nextpage--> whenever you want a new page. This is all shown in the posts of demo blog b when you first install b2evolution.
Have you tried multipaged posts with the <!-- nextpage --> tag ?
That tag didn't work for me... Nothing showed up, not even a post (although it did ping the various sites...)
Thank you, Guys. I tried <!--more--> and <!--nextpage-->. they work well. <!--page--> won't work.
thanks again.
okay nextpage, not page. My mistake.
Post above edited.
What if I cannot add images even after adding the <img> at the end of the allowed XHTML-Tags? If I edit the comment in the admin backoffice, it works, but as a non registered user, I always get the message <img> ist not allowed.
Can anyone help me?
Seems as if noone else has this problem.
If you like to post a lot of messages in your blog, have a look [url=http://www.randsco.com/index.php/2005/01/31/css_photo_caption_zoom]at this method[/url].
It keeps the images quite small, allowing room for more text and or images in a smaller space. When the visitor puts their mouse over the image, it zooms to full size.
Have a look.
Silencer - I think, for security reasons, it's not a good idea to allow images in the comments ... so you're correct ... not so many people have that problem.
I have the same problem as silencer. I've added <img> to the list, but it still says 'illegal tag' when I try to post a comment with an image. I understand the risk and I know I can always disable it if I get abused. Is there some other code that I need to change?
How to enable <img>-tag in comments of a b2evolution-blog:
open file: conf/_formatting.php in your b2evolution installation
$comment_allowed_tags = '<p><ul><ol><li><dl><dt><dd><address><blockquote><ins><del><a><span><bdo><br><em><strong><dfn><code><samp><kdb><var><cite><abbr><acronym><q><sub><sup><tt><i><b><big><small>';
to: $comment_allowed_tags = '<p><ul><ol><li><dl><dt><dd><address><blockquote><ins><del><a><span><bdo><br><em><strong><dfn><code><samp><kdb><var><cite><abbr><acronym><q><sub><sup><tt><i><b><big><small><img>';
change line
'small' => C_E_Iinline
to: 'small' => C_E_Iinline,'img' => C_E_Iinline
change line
'small' => C_A_attrs
to: 'small' => C_A_attrs,'img' => C_A_attrs.' src alt',
save the file on your server[/list:o]
Some comment blabla.. here is the image: <img src="http://some.image.com/photo.jpg" /> bla..
Hope that helps - at least it worked for me in b2evo v ...
cu, holgerAwesome. That worked for me in version as well. Thanks, holger.
While we're on this subject, is there any special reason why the "pre" tag is excluded by default? Somebody was trying to post an ASCII picture and it wouldn't work, so I'm turning "pre" on. Hopefully this won't mung something up?
PS Hey, ASCII-art fans are just the kind of folks my blog is destined to attract! Particularly when I give a good review to a Linux distro that has lots of ASCII-art generating utilities.
hmmm i also want to allow images in my comments, i'm using phoenix, tried a lot with _formatting.php but in the end it didn't work. what do i have to change? :)
the tags allowed in the comments are displayed in the comment window.
IMG is not implemented there.