2 sam2kb Mar 22, 2008 03:33

call me clueless but how do you download that stuff? my webmaster install b2 blog on my website so i don't know much about adding plug ins or features.
Here is a link
Download, unzip, upload the folder song_attacher_plugin in /plugins directory of your blog.
Then in Admin panel
App settings -> Plugins, click on Display available plugins, find Song Attacher and Install it
You will have to change its settings, but I can't help you there cos I don't use 1.10 version.
Good luck
thanks alot Sam, i going to try what you told me, i thank you so very much. i have been trying to figure out how to add audio for months now and it just dawned on me to try the forum.
No problem
hey hate to keep bothering you, but the instructions don't say how to download the plug in to the plug in directory. There isn't a feature on the plug in page to upload the plug in. I uploaded the link to admin. file but can't find out how to get it over to the available plug in.
any suggestions?
You must use a FTP program to connect to your server and upload the plugin folder in /plugins dir.
You can't upload it in Admin panel.
Often your webhost will have some sort of FTP utility or feature that you can use - typically through cpanel if you have that from your host. Also if you use Firefox there is a "FireFTP" extension that is pretty good.
Basically no matter what you use (other than your host) you will need to know the login and password to your actual webspace. Not just your blog eh? Heck even for your webhost's tools you'll have to be able to login, which means knowing your login identity and password ;)
Anyway after that it's how you move a file from your computer to your server. Files in paths - same thing as you're used to on your computer, only you will select a file (or folder) and tell it "upload" to make it go to the server. Not so hard once you get the hang of it.
Ed, thanks, that is exactly what i was thinking, i will have to get my webmaster to install the plugin for me, since i can't change or update my user profile and email, there does seem to be some sort of master code.
Thanks for confirming.
hey thanks sam and ed, i have installed the plug in but the file won't hold audio that has more than 2mb. Is there a better plug in that will allow at 1 hour worth of audio?
Hi GetSmart
Welcome to the forum.
The latest stable version 2.4.1 has a built-in audio player, so maybe it's time to upgrade your blog?
There is also a Song attacher plugin for 1.10