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1 Apr 03, 2008 00:10    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I'm making a new website and have it running on the remote server using only the Ip address to get to it - with the optimistic hope that when the whole site is sorted I'll repoint the domain name (currently pointing to the old server and existing website) to the new server, et voila. It's the first time I've done it this way.

I address the site like this:

https://[Ip address]:8443/sitepreview/http/[clientsdomain]/news/

(and No, EdB, as it's not my website I'm not going to reveal the full address here - although I might tell you)

/news/ is what I'm calling what normally gets called the /blogs/ folder.

I've uploaded 2.4.1 and was just getting round to initialising it when I found I couldn't log in, with error
Either you have not enabled cookies or this login window has expired.
I have indeed enabled cookies and I've checked they are there.

I'm assuming this problem is something to do with the ugly temporary base URL I am using. Maybe something to do with it being https?

Any thoughts?

2 Apr 03, 2008 08:40

for a laugh, crack open conf/_advanced.php and try changing your $instance_name ( or whatever )


3 Apr 03, 2008 09:57

I could do with a laugh. I'll give that a go.

4 Apr 03, 2008 21:57

Tried it. No joy. Kinda giggled a bit, though.

5 Apr 03, 2008 21:59

Fancy sending me a real link and login details so I can see if it's user error? :roll:


6 Apr 04, 2008 09:31

Unfortunately I couldn't log in with the ftp credentials you sent, but I did notice a couple of things.

Your baseurl appears to be correctly set as everything points to [Ip address]:8443/sitepreview/http/[clientsdomain]/news/

Your cookie path matches the above, so the cookies "should" be cool.

But, if you head for [Ip address]:8443/sitepreview/http/[clientsdomain]/news/ admin.php you're sent to the login screen and the redirect_to is /news/admin.php ... which is missing a smidge of the path.

Without ftp it's a tad hard to work out where stuff is going wrong, but you might like to echo out the values of $admin_url / subdir/ path / anything else that mentions the word admin, in conf/_advanced.php


7 Apr 04, 2008 09:46

:( Sorry about FTP - not sure what went wrong there. Thanks for looking & the hints though; I'll do as you suggest and let you know when I'm out from behind this firewall!

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