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1 Apr 11, 2008 16:32    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered


I have to prepare some pros and cons for of blog platfors for the university. As I am not very skilled in blogs and as I don't have much experience in blogging platforms, I wanted to ask if somebody could help me a bit.

Could somebody give me a summary of pros and cons of b2evolution, Moveable Type (sixapart) und Worldpress?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


3 Apr 11, 2008 17:56

i, myself was looking for such a comparison in early days.. but not just for blogs, for any kind of service/product; those charts and checks are not total indicators of how good they are.. having all the features checked doesnt mean b2evo is the greatest (where it is ;) probably )

as afwas said, if you want to prepare a comprehensive report, you should experience them, there are pre-hosted websites where you can test them, (such as [url=]opensourcecms[/url])which may give you a clue or two..

and personally, i would like to say wordpress is a beautifully window dressed product and had great achievement in promotion and domination, but lacks of coding (not that i know much, but it is obvious)

and if i have to say one sentence for MT, it is not user-friendly at all -just the opposite of b2&wp- , needs extra server requirements and stuff..

anyhow hope one or two word of mine may help you.. cheers

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