2 sims Apr 16, 2008 12:06

amoun wrote:
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered
I've tried many (phpBB, postnuke etc) and admittedly I have a specific reason for wanting a blog, which I never even considered before, but it's very good..............
very likely sentences the ones i also have said before - and so many people having similar thoughts-; these guys must be tired of hearing appreciation words :P
we are the lucky ones who met b2evo being saved from other cms's
Any time ;)
Hi amoun,
Thanks for the feedback. Always glad to see a happy user.
Good luck
There is no Question that is the best blog to date.
I don't see it being outdone anytime soon.
Thank you all for all your efforts!
Brad West ~ onomoney
Why havent I had any help tho :(
who have I upset? No-ones posted a response to my Support request and I have no idea why! :'(
You are very welcome, although I would guess I helped very little compared to the others.
They really do seem to know what they are talking about :)