2 edb Apr 15, 2008 16:36

EdB wrote:
WP is the "official" fork in the road. See, b2 died due to lack of support by it's creator. Francois got tired of waiting for something to happen so started working on what he felt it should develop into. Meanwhile the Lord of Darkness stole a human soul and replaced it with a burning desire to make a crappy blog app with a catchy name. Working in secret meetings in dark places with no name, a cabal of demons and evil witches convinced the originator of b2 - the lazy dude who just gave up supporting the project - to proclaim the crappyapp as the 'official' branch.
yea this part was kinda clear in the story with all the links and information..
EdB wrote:
The rest is history, but there is some interesting stuff behind the scenes that most folk don't know. For example every time WP releases an upgrade God kills a kitten. But it gets worse. Every time Francois goes more than 6 months without a release God bites the head off a baby blogger and signs up the brainless body for a blogspot account.
EdB wrote:
Phoenix Alpha was originally going to be called "Total Crap" but Microsoft owns that term so yeah you don't want to mess with Mighty Bill yah?
:) :)
EdB wrote:
b2evolution found an interesting niche to fill: multiblog multiblogger environment that IS NOT "like a blogspot". For a person who just wants to blog it's a little bit more than you really need.
that was not the reason i chose b2 however it is apparently the most distinctive feature of b2evo which i think is an advantage to promote it before other blog systems and cms's replicates the way it works..
but you know what, a part of me wants to shout it out to everyone, starting from my country to all the people about b2evo like i have found a great pearl in the sands, but the other mean side of me tells me to keep it for myself, saying it's all good "don't! you are gonna spoil it by telling everyone raiding the forums and keeping the good guys busy "-as they weren't enough:P-
anyhow, this was half true half joke, of course i want b2evo to get known as much as you do, and growing community means growing development as much as problems and questions.. but it is obvious b2evo is taking not huge leaps each day but takes its steps solid..
thank you for descriptive information and and your nice exposition :)
WP is the "official" fork in the road. See, b2 died due to lack of support by it's creator. Francois got tired of waiting for something to happen so started working on what he felt it should develop into. Meanwhile the Lord of Darkness stole a human soul and replaced it with a burning desire to make a crappy blog app with a catchy name. Working in secret meetings in dark places with no name, a cabal of demons and evil witches convinced the originator of b2 - the lazy dude who just gave up supporting the project - to proclaim the crappyapp as the 'official' branch. The rest is history, but there is some interesting stuff behind the scenes that most folk don't know. For example every time WP releases an upgrade God kills a kitten. But it gets worse. Every time Francois goes more than 6 months without a release God bites the head off a baby blogger and signs up the brainless body for a blogspot account. That wasn't revealed to Francois until around the time of the Sparkle release, which is the only reason "Phoenix Alpha" came out. By the way there's another trivial but true detail you might not know: Phoenix Alpha was originally going to be called "Total Crap" but Microsoft owns that term so yeah you don't want to mess with Mighty Bill yah? Anyway that's why we generally don't have to wait for a new release very long ... and partially explains why some stuff seems less complete than one might hope. It's all the headless bloggers on blogspot that Francois is worried about. Or something like that.
But yeah WP is the official fork, b2evolution is another fork. A long time ago Francois was putting a lot of effort into removing all the remaining traces of original b2 code. Legacy stuff yah? So like way back in the day your $baseurl did not have a trailing slash but now does. I think some stuff might still be there, or perhaps some incorrect decisions early on are still a plague inside the core. Not really sure on that. But anyway when the skin called "originalb2" disappeared from the package is when BigF was kinda celebrating the end of the legacy code.
The thing is both forks went their own way. The WP folk continued on with a uniblogger app and did pretty well at it. For a single blogger doing a blog it is an awesome tool. For those who like to peek under the hood it's ugly inside. For those who know what they're doing in code it's apparently worse than ugly, but wow it does the job and a zillion people love it.
b2evolution found an interesting niche to fill: multiblog multiblogger environment that IS NOT "like a blogspot". For a person who just wants to blog it's a little bit more than you really need. Like buying a Ferrari because you just want to go grocery shopping yah? But for many situations it is awesome. And the way you can inter-relate all the various blogs you might set up is cool. And FINALLY being able to not have all bloggers editing everyone else's posts is way cool.