1 parodix May 08, 2008 21:08
3 mrdav May 09, 2008 03:53
I empty evo_sessions and evo_hitlog before I backup.
4 filthio May 10, 2008 13:36
You can also empty the antispam table, as that is easily repopulated once your new installation is running.
5 filthio May 10, 2008 13:43
Also, a good way to reduce your hitlog size without fiddling with mySQL is to change the pruning setting, which controls how many days of hits you keep. For a busy blog the default can easily create a very big file.
Find the pruning setting on Global Settings/ Features/ Hit & Session logging in 2.x, or App Settings / Features/ Autoprune in 1.x.
To make the hitlog smaller, reduce the number in the box.
yes you can
just empty the table.
You will loose all your stats though...
but nothing else then that