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1 May 10, 2008 15:37    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I'm getting nuts.

For now, b2evolution is running locally, so I can't post a link to it.

The question is:

Links in sidebar are defined in style.css as:

#sidebar a{
color: #FFFFFF;

so links are white (all links need to be white, my background color is red).

"days with posts" are defined in blog_elements.css as:

.bCalendarLinkPost a{
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #FFFF00;

then days with posts would be yellow.

But "days with posts" just turns into yellow when I comment out "sidebar a". But then "month" disappear:

The only way to make "month" white is uncomment "sidebar a".

But then "days with posts" turns into white too:

The point is that I want days with posts to be yellow, and other links to be white.

What the heck I'm doing wrong?

2 May 10, 2008 16:44

You can use this styles

month - table.bCalendarTable caption a
day with post - .bCalendarLinkPost
all other days - td.bCalendarCell

3 May 10, 2008 17:47


I've commented:

/*#sidebar a{
	color: #FFFFFF;

Added your tips:

table.bCalendarTable caption a {

.bCalendarLinkPost {

td.bCalendarCell {

and also added:

table.bCalendarTable tfoot a {

and now it is how it should be.

Thanks a lot!

4 May 10, 2008 17:52

You shouldn't comment sidebar a{} because it affects all sidebar links, just add these 3 styles in style.css

table.bCalendarTable caption a {

.bCalendarLinkPost {

td.bCalendarCell {

5 May 10, 2008 17:58

I did comment "sidebar a", otherwise "days with posts" links would come back to white.

So I prefer to control sidebar links one by one, by hand. There will not be many of them anyway.

That's what I did with that "What is RSS" link:

.widget_core_coll_xml_feeds a {
color: #FFFFFF;

6 May 10, 2008 18:03

Maybe you are right, I can't tell you exactly because I don't know what skin you are using.

7 May 10, 2008 19:20

My skin is based on "pixelgreen", but arranged to look exactly like this online right now:

I'm almost done here, then will update this online version from 1.8 to 2.4.

I think [u]I did[/u] something wrong in the past, but gone too far now to find where I did it...

Anyhow, your help was crucial.

Thanks a lot once more.

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