2 tilqicom May 12, 2008 21:52

Hi tilqicom: :D
Look forward to you helping me out, if you find the info. I'm glad this can be doable.
I found a "User Tool" in plug-ins for the "Admin" button as a menu option, but when I edited it in Admin it didn't work. I might be able to fudge around with it and then reload the widget.... maybe.
As tilqicom said you can use is_logged_in()
1. Members link. This code goes in header menu div.
if ( is_logged_in() )
echo '<li><a href="#">Members link</a></li>';
2. Members redirect. This code goes in the very top of html_header.inc.php right after if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')......
if ( is_logged_in() )
$redir = 'http://www.Member's Blog URL/index.php';
header("Location: $redir",TRUE,302);
Thank you for the info - I'll try your suggestion! :D
Date stamp is the last...
As tilqicom said you can use is_logged_in()
1. Members link. This code goes in header menu div.
if ( is_logged_in() )
echo '<li><a href="#">Members link</a></li>';
Sorry to ask a dumb question :oops: and this might be obvious to others, but which file should this go in?
It depends on your skin. Usually it goes in _body_header.inc.php or index.main.php
Find this code and put that link before the closing </ul> tag
<div class="top_menu">
// ------------------------- "Menu" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
// Display container and contents:
// Note: this container is designed to be a single <ul> list
skin_container( NT_('Menu'), array(
// The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
'block_start' => '',
'block_end' => '',
'block_display_title' => false,
'list_start' => '',
'list_end' => '',
'item_start' => '<li>',
'item_end' => '</li>',
) );
// ----------------------------- END OF "Menu" CONTAINER -----------------------------
WOW! Thanks for your quick response. I'll try that! I know where it is now.
Thanks a lot for your help, once again.
No problem
Tosca wrote:
WOW! Thanks for your quick response. I'll try that! I know where it is now.
Thanks a lot for your help, once again.
hey sam2kb , are you good or what (:, you just gave the answer twice till i ve checked the topic later on, (may be it's the time zone, hehe no it's not, you are good) cheers ;)
The added Admin link button and it shows up in Members' blog very nicely. Thank you! I placed it here "?>", otherwise, it didn't work placing it before "</ul>" as suggested. This is what it looks like.
// ----------------------------- END OF "Menu" CONTAINER --------------
if ( is_logged_in() )
$redir = 'http://www.Member's Blog URL/index.php';
header("Location: $redir",TRUE,302);
The second goal that I was trying to achieve was to have a Members' link that can be seen in all the blogs (after logged in). How can this be achieved?
The Redirection, unfortunately, this didn't work:
if ( is_logged_in() )
$redir = 'http://www.blah, blah blog/index.php?blog=6';
header("Location: $redir",TRUE,302);
Each time I got :
The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
I've logged into several members blogs and they are unable to see the Members' blog, at all. Prior, I had a button accessible in Admin but it seems with the tag it is no longer there. Anyway, I'd like to have a redirection if it is possible when someone logs in, they are directed immediately to the Members' Blog.
Thanks again for your input.... I'm sure we can figure something out.
i have no idea if that code is proper, but it seemed all right to me : P
this might work
if ( is_logged_in() )
# header('Location: newdestination.php');
# # {
# header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
# }
# header('Location: '.$url);
# exit();
# }
$url may be needed to be changed to $baseurl
Hello Again:
That looked like a brilliant code too, but it didn't work. :-/
Well.... perhaps it would be easier to add a permanent link in ADMIN within one of the menus like the light grey/brown -- to the far right or in the Dashboard?
*MEMBERS BLOG * NAME * 05:32 pm * Blog Blg * Logout Close
Can this be achieved some how with the previous code that you gave me AND adding the color red?
// ----------------------------- END OF "Menu" CONTAINER --------------
if ( is_logged_in() )
$redir = 'http://www.Member's Blog URL/index.php';
header("Location: $redir",TRUE,302);
What file can this go in?
Thanks again for your assistance. :)
Hello: :)
I was able to get the MEMBERS blog button to show up in Admin again, so that members can go to the blog (not sure why it became disabled with one of the codes added to it). The redirection would have been helpful; it is okay... they will have to manually remember to go there once logged in. So, this seems to be resolved.
Thank you very much for your help in the other matter with placing a button within the Members' blog.
If anyone finds the Date/Time stamp info that would be helpful.
Have a good day and thank you again.
Hi tosca, someone wiser would have the exact answers for your needs, but i can give some partial answer or ideas as far as i know; you can display a members' blog link by using 'if( is_logged_in() )' , i dont know the exact usage, i have to dig a little, but it is doable of course.I ve gotta dig that timestamp thing too, but that also sound doable, anyhow, hoping someone will come back with decent answers, take this as a preliminary response (: cheers