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1 May 22, 2008 02:34    

ScribeFire is an extension for Mozilla Firefox, to 'ease' people when blogging. It can be found here:
[url=]ScribeFire :: Firefox Add-ons[/url]

Out-of-the-box, ScribeFire did not explicitly support b2evolution. I tried pointing it to my blog, and lo and behold! It detects b2evo as "MetaWebLog API" (or somesuch). In fact, it is able to detect all my blogs there, all my postings there, and even all my categories there (although it can't create new blog or create new category)

Now, my question:
Is it safe to use ScribeFire?
That is, is there a danger that using ScribeFire will bollix up my blog?

Thanks for your advice, beforehand.

4 May 23, 2008 10:18

Is it safe to use ScribeFire?

I wonder how can it be unsafe at all?

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