2 afwas May 27, 2008 02:16

Hello: :)
Nope, there are no spaces which has thrown me. :-/
Is it more accurate to say that after a certain point they stop showing up, or are the missing ones scattered throughout the existing ones?
If they stop showing up after a certain point then something is eating the tail end of the array. White space is the best suspicion of course, but if all your smilies begin with something other than a ' ' that is not the answer. In this situation see which smilie is the first missing one and move it a few smilies down the list. IF you get a few more then you know the cause of the problem, but not the solution. It may be that the keystroke sequence is causing it to choke for some reason, so change it from 'whatever' to 'trythis' and see what happens.
If the missing ones are scattered throughout the collection then make sure that the bit you're calling the file name is actually factually accurate. And of course check the path - on the server of course. Oh and also make sure the file size on the server isn't zero bytes just in case uploading ate your smilies. Also consider a different keyboard sequence for any given missing smilie just to see if for some reason that might be the problem.
BTW a long time ago I decided to edit the smilies plugin to have MY smilies in MY order, then upload it and "disable/enable/reload/reset/whatever" to make the default situation be what I wanted. During that process I learned a couple of other "funny little things" that for some reason stopped smilies from being. Unfortunately at this moment I can't recall some of the tiny details I came across.
Oh and I'm pretty sure you'll find that the smilies are also stored in a table in your database. That detail might be a clue why something goes missing but I have no idea why it might be a clue.
Hiya EdB!
Is it more accurate to say that after a certain point they stop showing up, or are the missing ones scattered throughout the existing ones?
It is most likely the latter. There are 2 that aren't showing up in the beginning and 2 more missing after the first and so on....
BTW a long time ago I decided to edit the smilies plugin to have MY smilies in MY order, then upload it and "disable/enable/reload/reset/whatever" to make the default situation be what I wanted. During that process I learned a couple of other "funny little things" that for some reason stopped smilies from being. Unfortunately at this moment I can't recall some of the tiny details I came across.
Unfortunately, I think this is exactly the problem. They were all there until I decided to rearrange the order. :-/ Nothing else had been changed to cause some of them to go missing in action. Strange.
For the few missing ones really scrutinize the lines ... even though they worked before. Like, down to the number of spaces before and after each little bit of each line. Especially in comparison to ones that work.
But yeah just edit your smilies plugin and uninstall then reinstall it seems to work almost as easy.
Hi Again:
Just as you replied, I was going through them again. I changed up a few of the symbols to see if this would do the trick on the missing ones. Some are starting to reappear, so this is a good thing.... :D okay, back to work on this! ;)
Make sure the code for the smiley is at the left border of the textarea in the settings menu *and not starting with a space*.
good luck