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1 Jun 05, 2008 07:35    

Dear all,
I have been using b2evo since 3 years ago, with much satisfaction. Now I am facing a problem which might be related to two factors:

1) the last 2.4 version (before i was running the 1.8) uses a "blog" parameter in the url to call some pages
2) the decided to filter any url with "blog" on it.

Anyway, some pages of my blog are now not accessible and it is a pain to use proxy to admin it.

SInce I do not have time to hack the whole code to substitute "blog" with "whatever else", and to do it for any future release, I would like to know if in a future version is it possible to rename this parameter anyhow.

Thanks a lot.

2 Jun 05, 2008 08:10

On each blog you can change the URL using your URL subtab to not use the params - if your server supports that. So the URLs will look like folder paths instead of strings of parameters.

I'm not a developer, but honestly I doubt something as basic as the name of the parameter for the blog ID will become a variable - especially when the only reason would be to evade a government-powered censorship method.

3 Jun 05, 2008 09:04

I'll try this and let you know. Anyway, as you can further read on wiki if you are interested, one of the way the GCW is working is also blocking some words on a URL string.

eheh, I was not asking to make it a variable, just to change it into something different than "blog" :-)

4 Jun 05, 2008 09:33

SO, I checked the parameter. I already changed that, my blog is now accessible (i use only one main blog, so i set it as default). But i can't change any similar option for the admin. So sometimes the admin page is blocked.

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