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1 Jun 14, 2008 16:57    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

I accidentally deleted the privileged blogger group !
What can I do ?
Thank you much in advance !

2 Jun 14, 2008 18:03

No big deal, if there werent users in it, which i guess so, as b2 wouldnt allow deleting a group having users in it, would it ? :roll:

it's just a pre defined group, you can create the same group with same permissons and name it previliged bloggers.

If it's the worse case, with users in it, then you 'll have to restore the corresponding part of your most recent sql backup (which i hope you have one)

3 Jun 14, 2008 18:05

Thank you Tilqi.
I had deleted users so its OK.

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