2 yabba Jun 17, 2008 19:31

Well, ain't you a cutie? Nor can I. Bugger, innit?
Bugger, I edited as you posted so I'll just *points up*
That htaccess idea would work - and that sure beats messing with the code. Thanks.
I'll just struggle with that for a day or so then come creeping back and ask you how.
Cool that gives me time to google a reply L:D
When I do it'd probably go summat like :
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} s=
RewriteRule .* http://sod-off.com/ [R=301,L]
Just guessing though, cos I avoid google where I can ;)
Just so you don't feel all lonely and ignored and stuff ... cos we know yer a sensitive soul .... I personally can't think of a way to combat this.
Actually I can, but it involves a core hack to change "s" to summat else.
Although, if you just want to stop all htaccess redirects with "?s=" then you can just do a query string thing higher in your htaccess that dev nulls them