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1 Jun 16, 2008 17:25    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Is there a tutorial for creating a skin from scratch, so that it's my own design according to proper b2evo crediting etiquette? I'm asking because I'm a professional designer by trade, and I would like to use my own designs for my clients. I've been designing websites for years and have never even credited myself on a page, so I would like to keep credits down to just a "blog software" and/or "b2evo team" at the bottom of the page. What is the proper starting point for creating my own design? Is there a basic starting template I can build from that is truly part of the b2evo dev kit and not copyrighted by any particular designer? Thanks!

3 Jun 17, 2008 02:16

Thank you! That's what I was looking for! :D

4 Jun 17, 2008 17:14

If I may, all b2evolution really asks for is a linkback to the software source. Most skins use an image for this, but back before the 2.* generation there were many images to choose from and more than a handful of skins that used simple text links. The fundamental bottom line (in my humble but insistent on a linkback) opinion is that somewhere in a reasonably visible way something is linked to (and by the way I'm just a forum junkie - not a developer or somehow getting something from sites that link back to here). Not infrequently, "powered by b2evolution" was used. "powered by" or "b2evolution" or "b2evo-powered" or anything that conveys that simple message.

Being quite the bitch about not helping people who don't linkback, I both look with my eyes and view source if my eyes don't find it. I've seen "powered by b2evolution" turned into a link to the actual website you were on. Yeah... thanks :/ I've seen it in teeny tiny font size that almost matches the background color. Yeah... thanks :/

So what would be "etiquette" for this topic? Understanding that b2evolution developers are simply looking for fair credit and a bit of linklove to help spread the word, and crafting a link that works well with your overall purpose and look. Using an image is cool, and one of the frequent players here has crafted quite a few. Text works quite well too, of course, and might be much more gooder for your application. Ultimately your blog and your skin is yours, as is the decision to linkback or not. If you do, and most of the folk who play here would prefer that you do, then *how* you linkback is really up to you.

5 Jun 17, 2008 18:18

Thanks for your clarification and input. Linking back to b2evo, of course, goes without saying, but my client wants her own copyright, legal and contact down there, too. So, I would like to just have:

Client's copyright|Client's legal|Client's contact|powered by b2evolution|b2evo team

Something like that... I'm trying to create from scratch, but if I do end up using another skin as a starting point and redesign from there, do you think these linkbacks would be fair to all?

6 Jun 17, 2008 18:32

njb8 wrote:


Client's copyright|Client's legal|Client's contact|powered by b2evolution|b2evo team

Something like that... I'm trying to create from scratch, but if I do end up using another skin as a starting point and redesign from there, do you think these linkbacks would be fair to all?

More than fair! Actually 242 does have a mechanism by which a blog owner can insert a canned footer to a blog, and another one to a blog post. So adding "client's copyright" is already there though one must be certain that stock text actually counts without metadata. Creative Commons specifically states that the license needs metadata identifying what is licensed for example.

7 Jun 17, 2008 19:42

If you don't add a link to my [url=]tacky pad[/url] then I'm liable to go into a sulk and ban your arse .... ohhh, and you better link to the [url=]lemming blog[/url] cos he can be a grumpy bugger at times ... well, most of the time really .. especially when he notices the total lack of a linkback.

If you add those two, and the obligatory link to [url=]b2evo[/url] ( text / image / whatever ) then you'll not only remain a member, you'll also reduce the grumpy post ratio ..... only you can save mankind ;)


8 Jun 17, 2008 20:58

¥åßßå, you're very funny! :lol:

EdB, I really appreciate that information, but I wish I understood it :oops: Can you explain about the copyright stuff again, only this time, pretend you're talking to a total idiot?

9 Jun 17, 2008 21:32

EdB wrote: must be certain that stock text actually counts without metadata. Creative Commons specifically states that the license needs metadata identifying what is licensed for example.

This the part I don't understand... sounds important! Thx!

10 Jun 18, 2008 17:29

Sorry njb8, but I know next to nothing about legal stuff. I spent hours upon hours upon hours cruising through when I built and rebuilt my creative commons plugin, and back then I got hip to some of their expectations and rules. Like how you don't automagically assign a creative commons license - the licensee must actively select the license. And how metadata (typically RDF stuff as a hidden comment when you view source) amplifies and clarifies exactly what the license is about and means.

None of this means I actually know anything about anything of course. I learned what I learned when I learned it. I asked questions of the creative commons people and got answers that helped me move forward. I showed them my plugin and asked if it was creating proper metadata given the info b2evolution has available and got no answer. So there you go!

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