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1 Jun 24, 2008 11:46    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I'd like to change the way emails sent to members of my blog are sent.

Right now they begin like this:

Blog : Shipping ( )
Author : ComicList (cslepage)
Title : ComicList: DC for 06/25/2008
Url : -

How can I rearrange that?

Thank you!

2 Jun 24, 2008 12:45

inc/items/model/_item.class.php approx 3053 onwards

	 * Send email notifications to subscribed users
	 * @todo fp>> shall we notify suscribers of blog were this is in extra-cat? blueyed>> IMHO yes.
	function send_email_notifications( $display = true )
		global $DB, $admin_url, $debug, $Debuglog;

 		$edited_Blog = & $this->get_Blog();

		if( ! $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_subscriptions' ) )
		{	// Subscriptions not enabled!

		if( $display )
			echo "<div class=\"panelinfo\">\n";
			echo '<h3>', T_('Notifying subscribed users...'), "</h3>\n";

		// Get list of users who want to be notfied:
		// TODO: also use extra cats/blogs??
		$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT user_email, user_locale
							FROM T_subscriptions INNER JOIN T_users ON sub_user_ID = user_ID
						WHERE sub_coll_ID = '.$this->blog_ID.'
							AND sub_items <> 0
							AND LENGTH(TRIM(user_email)) > 0';
		$notify_list = $DB->get_results( $sql );

		// Preprocess list: (this comes form Comment::send_email_notifications() )
		$notify_array = array();
		foreach( $notify_list as $notification )
			$notify_array[$notification->user_email] = $notification->user_locale;

		if( empty($notify_array) )
		{ // No-one to notify:
			if( $display )
				echo '<p>', T_('No-one to notify.'), "</p>\n</div>\n";
			return false;

		 * We have a list of email addresses to notify:
		$mail_from = '"'.$this->creator_User->get('preferredname').'" <'.$this->creator_User->get('email').'>';

		// Send emails:
		$cache_by_locale = array();
		foreach( $notify_array as $notify_email => $notify_locale )
			if( ! isset($cache_by_locale[$notify_locale]) )
			{ // No message for this locale generated yet:

				// Calculate length for str_pad to align labels:
				$pad_len = max( strlen(T_('Blog')), strlen(T_('Author')), strlen(T_('Title')), strlen(T_('Url')), strlen(T_('Content')) );

				$cache_by_locale[$notify_locale]['subject'] = sprintf( T_('[%s] New post: "%s"'), $edited_Blog->get('shortname'), $this->get('title') );

				$cache_by_locale[$notify_locale]['message'] =
					str_pad( T_('Blog'), $pad_len ).': '.$edited_Blog->get('shortname')
					.' ( '.str_replace('&amp;', '&', $edited_Blog->gen_blogurl())." )\n"

					.str_pad( T_('Author'), $pad_len ).': '.$this->creator_User->get('preferredname').' ('.$this->creator_User->get('login').")\n"

					.str_pad( T_('Title'), $pad_len ).': '.$this->get('title')."\n"

					// linked URL or "-" if empty:
					.str_pad( T_('Url'), $pad_len ).': '.( empty( $this->url ) ? '-' : str_replace('&amp;', '&', $this->get('url')) )."\n"

					.str_pad( T_('Content'), $pad_len ).': '
						// TODO: We MAY want to force a short URL and avoid it to wrap on a new line in the mail which may prevent people from clicking
						// TODO: might get moved onto a single line, at the end of the content..
						.str_replace('&amp;', '&', $this->get_permanent_url())."\n\n"


					// Footer:
					."\n-- \n"
					.T_('Edit/Delete').': '.$admin_url.'?ctrl=items&blog='.$this->blog_ID.'&p='.$this->ID."\n\n"

					.T_('Edit your subscriptions/notifications').': '.str_replace('&amp;', '&', url_add_param( $edited_Blog->gen_blogurl(), 'disp=subs' ) )."\n";


			if( $display ) echo T_('Notifying:').$notify_email."<br />\n";
			if( $debug >= 2 )
				echo "<p>Sending notification to $notify_email:<pre>$cache_by_locale[$notify_locale]['message']</pre>";

			send_mail( $notify_email, $cache_by_locale[$notify_locale]['subject'], $cache_by_locale[$notify_locale]['message'], $mail_from );

		if( $display ) echo '<p>', T_('Done.'), "</p>\n</div>\n";


3 Jun 25, 2008 03:25

Thank you!

So far I'm producing more errors than results.

What I'd like to do is trim it down do it only produces the title, hopefully without the word "title" before it, and the content, hopefully without the word "content" before it.

EDIT: I figured this out. Thank you for directing me to the proper file!

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