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1 Jun 28, 2008 11:45    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

Is B2Evolution able to send RSS out so that it looks like your original web-page format rather than plain text?

The reason I ask is that I often comment on items in my sidebar that can be clicked on and in rss plain text they are simply not there.

Is there a disadvantage of rss being received this way :?:

2 Jun 28, 2008 13:02

Syndication feeds, by definition, consist of only the content. In fact it is not accurate to say it is "plain text" because actually it isn't: it is in feed format that happens to look like plain text if viewed with a browser. See


for example.

EDIT: sorry but those links won't properly linkify themselves in here

3 Sep 05, 2008 03:43

Not sure if this is a 'solution' but I found a select box in my rss feed reader (Akregator) that gives me the option:
"Load the full website when reading articles"

I also note that if I choose to 'open in tab', that too renders as per the website layout. So perhaps it has something to do with the rendering in the reader again?

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