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1 Jun 28, 2008 00:04    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I just installed this blog software and for some reason the style sheet (for the terra firma skin) isn't actually formatting the website. It's not the specific skin as I've also tried it with other skins with no success.

If you go to (don't ask about the domain name!), and view the page source, you'll see that the stylesheet is being called upon (and does exist...I've quadruple checked). But the page is still without its proper css formatting.

Any ideas? Please and THANK YOU!

2 Jun 28, 2008 00:33

Welcome to the forums!

You have to fix $baseurl in conf/_basic_config.php, make it

$baseurl = '';

3 Jun 28, 2008 00:41

I feel quite silly for not figuring that out sooner, but THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was banging my head against the wall for longer than I care to admit. It works just fine now.

Thanks again!

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