1 blg1 Jun 28, 2008 12:38
3 blg1 Jun 28, 2008 13:16
yeah i unpacked zip the way it comes and placed it in root dir in one b2evolution folder. so looks like i have to reinstall it with the blogs' folder files out in root dir. i modified some colors and themes.
so if there's no blogs folder and just the files at root will it install and work properly?
4 tblue Jun 28, 2008 15:59
Yes. Only the files in the blogs folder are needed, the folder itself isn't necessary.
5 edb Jun 28, 2008 20:54
Make sure your baseurl in conf/_basic_config doesn't have /blog/ in it as well.
Got link?
You probably uploaded the entire package instead of just the stuff in the blogs folder, so you are probably looking at the index.html file from the root level of the package when unzipped. At the minimum you might get away with deleting that file, but I dunno.