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1 Jun 30, 2008 19:29    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.2

I have successfully set up my part-constructed website online (in a PW protected area while i add content). I have b2evolution setup OK with one blog. I want to play around with the css etc to modify the layout of the blog to better fit my website design. I have web developer and can make changes to css online but would much rather do it on a local server.

I have set up a local server with AMP etc. I followed this excellent guide (at least for Ubuntu 8.04) which I can recommend to anyone:

I then ftp'd all of httpdocs/ from the website to my PC and had apache point to the download directory. I also exported the b2evonew database and put it in the same directory on my PC.

Now if I open http://localhost in Firefox 3 I get the homepage of my website just fine. All the html links work, but not php files. Unfortunately, if I try to open http:/local host/b2evolution/blogs/blog1, I get:

Additional information about this error:

MySQL error!

Error establishing a database connection!

(Access denied for user 'b2evonew'@'localhost' (using password: YES))

1. Are you sure you have typed the correct user/password?
2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
3. Are you sure that the database server is running?

I presume that I have a permissions problem and also possibly some files not pointing to the right locations.

I am afraid i have begun to run out of knowledge at this point. Rather confused by so many php files.

Can anyone help point me in the right direction? Don't mind reading and hard work but need a pointer or two.




2 Jun 30, 2008 21:36

Now if I open http://localhost in Firefox 3 I get the homepage of my website just fine. All the html links work, but not php files.

Did you pass tests from section 3 of your guide ?
I mean http://localhost/test.php

if I try to open http:/local host/b2evolution/blogs/blog1, I get:

Error establishing a database connection!

(Access denied for user 'b2evonew'@'localhost' (using password: YES))

1. Are you sure you have typed the correct user/password?
2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
3. Are you sure that the database server is running?

Using http://localhost/phpmyadmin did you create a database for b2evolution and set up a login and a password ?
Also, could you verify that your webserver is able to write conf/_basic_config.php file ?

3 Jun 30, 2008 23:24

Thanks slamp for replying. I'll have a look tomorrow (very late here in Spain) and I have a house full of rellies who are visiting with us at the moment. i'll report back.


4 Jul 01, 2008 11:40

OK - here are the results of my investigation.

1. phpmyadmin is running fine - test.php runs OK

2. I have the correct permissions to be able to write to /conf and _basic.config.php

3. If I run phpmyadmin it reports only two databases - neither of which are the b2evolution one.

4. I exported the b2evonew database from my website and placed it in the /b2evolution folder on my local server - it appears as b2evonew.sql

5. I opened phpmyadin and tried to Import the database. I get this error message:


SQL query:

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 2.6.3-pl1
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Jun 30, 2008 at 12:09 PM
-- Server version: 4.1.21
-- PHP Version: 5.0.4
-- Database: `b2evonew`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `evo_antispam`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `evo_antispam` ;

MySQL said: Documentation
#1046 - No database selected

Not sure where to go from here. I don't want to create a NEW database unless I have to, as I have added some test posts to the blog and modified it to fit the way I want it to be.

Is it possible to tell phpmyadmin, and b2evolution, where to find the blog database, or do I have to make a new one?

Thanks for the help so far.

5 Jul 01, 2008 14:36

Using phpmyadmin create a database named b2evonew.
or in a shell issue the commands:

mysql -uroot -p
create database b2evonew

To avoir error after restoring your backup, choose the same encoding (latin-1, utf8) as your online server. (create database b2evonew default charset=utf8)
Then you will be able to restore your backup.

Don't forget to edit _basic.config.php and set $baseurl = 'http://localhost/path_to_blog/';

PS: GG Spain Soccer team !

6 Jul 01, 2008 15:25

slamp wrote:

Using phpmyadmin create a database named b2evonew.
or in a shell issue the commands:

mysql -uroot -p
create database b2evonew

To avoir error after restoring your backup, choose the same encoding (latin-1, utf8) as your online server. (create database b2evonew default charset=utf8)
Then you will be able to restore your backup.

Don't forget to edit _basic.config.php and set $baseurl = 'http://localhost/path_to_blog/';

PS: GG Spain Soccer team !

Brilliant mate!

many thanks - I'll report my efforts later.



7 Jul 01, 2008 17:22

That's it, slamp. I now have a working blog and database thanks to you.

What a friendly and helpful forum - personified by you. I can't help but contrast it with another forum that I need help from for my website. Arrogance, and bullying seems to be the order of the day over there.

Oh well, variety is supposed to be the spice of life they say. Hmm... don't know about that one.

I'll try and mark this up as solved


8 Jul 01, 2008 17:45

Ohhh, we can do arrogance and bullying to .... you just need to ask :D


9 Jul 01, 2008 17:57

Hey you are just pussycats - the real thing is over at Coppermine Galleries (oooops that's the end of me).

Funny isn't it? Everyone has to start somewhere and as long as you have RTFM and done your best to read similar posts, you are entitled to expect just a bit of courtesy. I help out in another couple of forums (distro and hardware) where i am quite able to help other people - unlike here where I am a newbie drowning in a sea of php's, I know we get asked the same thing over and over again. Sometimes I get a bit ratty but it will only show in rather short replies! I still try to be courteous.

Oh well rant on...

BTW - unless I am mistaken, there does not seem to be a facility for formal thanks for posters like some other sites. I know it can be a bit overdone but I would have liked to give "old" slamp a pat on the back.

10 Jul 01, 2008 18:25

You'll have noticed the shortness of my previous post :|

<arrogant bully mode>FFS, click the +/- icons under my star and give me some rep already</coppermine_mode> :|


11 Jul 01, 2008 20:16

When they are a lot of visitors on a forum and each visitor ask the same questions everytime, it's a little boring. So you right, courtesy is very important.
On other hand, there is not too much questions on this forum and I have extra-time right now, so I'm able to answer.

I know it can be a bit overdone but I would have liked to give "old" slamp a pat on the back.

What you can do, it's to speak about b2evolution on other forums ;-)

12 Jul 01, 2008 23:56

Well I think you guys are doing a great job. I tried to "give you a pat on the back" but the silly system this forum has only allows me 0.1 of congratulations to give out. Presumably because I am a new member. Anyway, 0.1 is one out of 10 or equivalent to one finger. Consider yourself patted on the back with one finger!!


14 Jul 03, 2008 09:22

esanchez wrote:

just a quick comment:

I've been using XAMPP and it works like a charm. Most of it is GUI base and I have never had an issue

I'm running Windows Vista.

Ah! I gave up all things Windoze about two years ago and went all linux. Never looked back and never regretted it. Needed a bit of investment in learning but sooooo worth it. Never had a virus, don't need anti-virus software, can't remember the last time i had a forced reboot of any of my PCs (one has been running continuously for over two years with never a hitch). I still remember the dreaded "Blue screens of death". Can't believe I put up with inferior MS products for 20 years!!



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