2 village_idiot Jul 08, 2008 09:27
VPS may be a good compromise. Not as expensive as a full dedicated server, but you do get some dedicated resources and don't have to worry about sharing with thousands of other sites. Although 700 GB a month still isn't gonna come cheap.
hostgator is best for u there customer support is also good, and fto also work very fast
We used to recommend LunarPages but they have fallen way behind. I think a lot of their good employees left.
Our current recommendations are here:
They are not 100% (no host is) perfect but they get the job done at a fair price.
I am using Bluevoda but my site is "Down" about 2 days/week!
Which is the best hosting?
yah well good luck finding a host thats going to be willing to "localize" anything if youre to cheap to pay for a dedi but you want 700G of bandwidth. thats pathetic.
you get what you pay for.