2 john Jul 12, 2008 00:12

No, I don't have Javascript turned off. I'm sure.
So... do you have the Admin JS files loaded?
I have a full installation. I can publish posts and the like. I don't know if this answers your question. What files are you referring to?
OK, does it work if you use another browser?
It works with IE7.
So, it's browser specific.
All I can suggest is that you upgrade your Opera to 9.51, though I am on a Mac, not Windows
I have Opera 9.51. I updated the browser recently.
Well, I'm stumped. On OSX that browser works for me.
Sorry ...
That's alright, John, I appreciate your trying to help. In fact, it looks like a browser issue, so your observation might have already helped. :)
Guess what: it doesn't work in Firefox 3 either. So it only works in IE. Very strange, don't you think?
What Admin Skin are you using?
If your not using Chicago, try it.
It's the same with that skin. Still doesn't work. :(
What plugins do you have installed?
Let's see:
FCKeditor (disabled)
Photo Dropper (disabled)
Video plug (disabled)
Widget manager (never used it)
And the builtin ones, of course (categories, calendar, various pings...). All of those are enabled as they came.
Try disabling all of the 3rd party plugins and see if that cures things, if it does then re-enable one by one and seeing where things barf.
If that doesn't cure things then could you pm a login for as user with the ability to post and I can test in FF3 && Opera x.x ( whatever latest version is ) on a windaze box ?
Thanks for your kind offer. I'll get into it.
It's not a plugin thing. The problem seems to lie in Opera 9.5x; the 9.27 version behaves well. What baffles me is that Firefox 3 also chokes on this toolbar --maybe b2evo is doing something it shouldn't be doing? When two widely distributed, stable, new, standards-compliant browsers have the same problem... maybe the problem isn't on them.
Opera 6, and it still doesn't work. But something very strange happens: it works when I use the bookmarklet from a page in the blog itself, and not when the page I try to blog about is located anywhere else. huh?
In fact, the buttons only do their thing when I use them to blog about my own site! Could it be a matter of relative paths when they should be absolute?
no fix for this yet? the whole top bar in admin mode doesn't work in FF3 on a mac. it does work in safari and it works on PC (with xp) ie7 and FF3 just fine.
Works for me with Firefox 3.0.4, Opera 9.62, b2evo 2.4.5 and Linux.
I mistyped the Opera version. I am using Opera 9.6 and FF3 on Windows XP. That toolbar (Quick Tags) doesn't work on them.
Are you sure you don't have Javascript turned off.
Works fine in Opera 9.51