2 tilqicom Aug 13, 2008 16:55

tilqicom wrote:
hi and welcome to the forums..
add this to the end of your style .css
.subtitle h1 a { color: #fff;}
this will override the current value, or modify it in where it's included between multiple valuesh1, .subtitle h1, .subtitle h1 a, .submenu, .leftside h1, div.bSmallHead, #quote, .rightside h3, .rightside h4, .rightside h4 a, .footer, .pagefoot {color:#4b3528;} blockquote {color:#523a2c;}
Thanx. Didn't know that I had to find the solution in subtitle. Will give it a try when I'm at home as I can't connect to my admin-dashboard.
[offtopic-mode on]
Do you now that a bunch of your links in your future are causing errors?
[offtopic-mode off]
Great, that did the job.
Now I have a second blog on my page the layout got somewhat wrapped up (the second one isn't nicely formatted under the old one). That's also the case with the unedited Vastitude-skin. Any clues? I'm not that familiar with css.
See http://blog.pluim-nielsen.nl
Update: hmmm... in IE it looks OK, in Firefox 3.0 not. Well I can live with that. ;-)
hi and welcome to the forums..
add this to the end of your style .css
this will override the current value, or modify it in where it's included between multiple values