Recent Topics

1 Aug 19, 2008 23:41    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

How do I switch URL for the "Home" link to point to a different URL? I'm talking about the link on the orange bar at the header of the page:
I need it to point to the homepage of the website. Right now it navigates to the home page of the actual blog. I went through the code, but I couldn't find where exactly to make a change. Please help.

Thank you very much.

Igor Vishnevskiy

2 Aug 20, 2008 00:16

insert a 'free html widget' into that container "menu" -probably- and simply link wherever you want like..

<a href="" class="mycustomlink">Home</a>

you will possibly have an issue that it wont look like the other ones, you can apply a class to it and duplicate the style.. to do this, insert the following into your css file:

.mycustomlink ul li a
	background-color: transparent;
	background-repeat: repeat-x;
	padding: 8px;
	font-size: 12px;
	color: #fff;
	font-weight: bold;

.mycustomlink ul li a:hover {
	background: #fff url('img/a18.gif') repeat-x top;
	color: #4A4A24;
	text-decoration: none;

3 Aug 20, 2008 01:04

Wow, I scratched my forehead, tried to do something in the admin. But didn't really complete anything. Could you please explain a little bit more in details? Thank you very much. I really need a bit more details. :D All I need is just a link. I went to Blog Settings > Blog Name > Widgets >
There are bunch of choices under "Blog navigation:".
Inside of the "Menu Link" I found following fields:
-Link Type
-CSS Class
What do I enter into these two:
-CSS Class

Thank you very much.

Igor Vishnevskiy

5 Aug 20, 2008 01:30

Wow, Thank you very much.

6 Aug 20, 2008 03:16

hi there, i just visited your blog and ve seen that your links are not styled correctly, if you want your links to be same like 'HOME' 'CONTACT'

add these lines to your style.css file :

.top_menu ul a
	background-color: transparent;
	background-repeat: repeat-x;
	padding: 8px;
	font-size: 12px;
	color: #fff;
	font-weight: bold;

.top_menu ul a:hover {
	background: #fff url('img/a18.gif') repeat-x top;
	color: #4A4A24;
	text-decoration: none;

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