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1 Aug 24, 2008 17:08    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.2

Hey guys, I'm a bit lost and a bit short of time.

I followed the instructions [url=]here[/url] but I just can't get mine to work once I post in the main content section. Up until then it's fine!

This is what the "blog" looks like after I copy and paste in the main content section.

I thought the first error may have had something to do with my server being php5 and not php4. However, I'm not extremely competent with webdesign so I'm probably wrong and even if I'm correct I have no idea how to fix it!

The next error - no clue!

Here is the code for the relevant lines:

190 error (_template.funcs.php) - I altered nothing here:

	$params = array_merge( array(
			'auto_pilot'          => 'none',
			'title_before'        => '',
			'title_after'         => '',
			'title_none'          => '',
			'title_single_disp'   => true,
			'title_single_before' => '#',
			'title_single_after'  => '#',
			'title_page_disp'     => true,
			'title_page_before'   => '#',
			'title_page_after'    => '#',
			'glue'                => ' - ',
			'format'              => 'htmlbody',
			'arcdir_text'         => T_('Archive directory'),
			'catdir_text'         => T_('Category directory'),
		), $params );

176 error (index.main.php):


        <p class="center"><strong>
                <?php posts_nav_link(); ?>
                        // previous_post( '<p class="center">%</p>' );
                        // next_post( '<p class="center">%</p>' );

Anyone come across these errors before or know how to fix them?

Thanks in advance :)


P.S. If there's any competent skin designers who don't want Stargate Atlantis series to end and therefore want to help me get this fixed ASAP using [url=]this[/url] layout - please get in touch! It's a long shot but I'm desperate. I love the b2evolution layout and want it for the site :).

2 Aug 24, 2008 18:10

I fixed the latter problem by changing

<?php posts_nav_link(); ?> 


if( isset($MainList) )
{ // Links to list pages:
$MainList->page_links( '<p class="center">'.T_('Pages:').' <strong>', '</strong></p>' );

I hope that keeps everything cool, if not - let me know!

Still no clue on the first prob though.

3 Aug 24, 2008 19:48

Hi littlemckay. Welcome to the forums. So the link you used for instructions has a line at the top that is kind of important.

This page applies to b2evolution 1.x

The thing is you're using version 2.4.2 which is good, but following instructions for version 1.* is ... the opposite of good :) The thing is the entire b2evolution structure got a radical overhaul when the 1.* generation became the 2.* generation. That's why it jumped up a number.

You will be so much better off starting with a skin that sort of looks like what you want then dialing it in to become your skin.

Also sorry to say but you're going to have to put some time into learning how it all works to be able to customize it nicely. A couple of hours of just looking at the blog and your back office (admin area) will help you understand what all the various bits mean and do. Then look through the files in your /skins/ and /skins/your_skin/ folders will give you an idea of how those work together to make the end result be what it is.

4 Aug 24, 2008 20:01

Ah, okay. Thanks.

Has no one made an updated skin tutorial?

I've tried working this out all weekend. I've never dealt with php and don't really know how to edit it at all. I use dreamweaver but php leaves you working kinda blind :s. I'll look into it but I think I may just give up on b2evolution. This site kinda needs to be ready by tonight/tomorrow! lol.

5 Aug 24, 2008 20:46

Then just pick a skin and be happy :)

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