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1 Aug 25, 2008 01:43    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.x
Blog link is here

The widget LinkBlog is not working right. It displays a bunch of my article headlines but it will not link to them. Am i using this widget correctly? Previously I had a question b/c it was displaying an error in this widget due to the category not existing but that's been fixed.

2 Aug 25, 2008 03:16

The way it looks to me, you have the blog you're on as the linkblog. That will most likely always produce the results you got because there is no "link to URL" associated with the post.

A linkblog is pretty much a collection of links outside your own domain name. Normally what you would do is make a post in a blog (let's say blog #8) that has no text in it but does have a URL in the "link to URL" field. Then when you are on the widgets for blog #2 you would select the linkblog widget and tell it to use blog #8 in order to have a list of outbound links in the sidebar.

If you want a list of the recent posts in the blog that the visitor is looking at then you don't want linkblog. I think what you want is "recent posts" but I'm not totally sure because I don't have my back office opened up right now.

Hope it helps!

3 Aug 25, 2008 05:05

Thank you for the clarification! Sorry for not reading the manual. I was using LinkBlog thinking it was for "recent posts" .. fixed it .. its been bugging us for months now since we upgraded from 1.10 to 2.4 I don't think 1.1 had that in the default setting

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