2 edb Aug 26, 2008 00:50

Thank-you for considering on doing this as my blog relies on it :)
I wonder which way is better for end users:
#1 :: Click on vimeo's "</> EMBED" link and copy/paste the code into the popup box when you are posting, which is a fully operational plugin in my double plus top secret installation. The drawback here to me is that you gotta put up with vimeo's yuckiness when you click their "</> EMBED" link.
#2 :: Click on the title of any vimeo video and copy/paste the url from the address bar into the popup box when you are posting, which dawned on me as pretty damned easy when I realized you actually could click on a vimeo video title and get the code in the address bar. The drawback is ... hmm... dunno.
#3 :: Use either the embed code or the address bar to figure out the video code yourself for pasting into the popup box when you are posting, which is kinda like how youtube videos are done. The drawback is this is totally lame because it's the web so I shouldn't have to figure out ANYTHING.
I think the 1st would be the best as you can customize more on how the player looks, what is it's size, etc., will I have to update B2evolution to fix this issue?
Yeah I'd like this one too. And TED videos. Both are kinda hard because the important key bit doesn't show up in the address bar, so you would have to manually extract it from the code they give you to embed their videos. Or maybe I can make it so that all you have to do is paste in the entire string they give you for embedding?
Anyway yeah I've been thinking of adding a few more bits to the standard videoplug plugin. Vimeo would be cool. There are also some 'adult' video sites out there, so adding them would also sort of require some checkboxes so you can pick and choose which buttons to offer on the toolbar.
No promises of course, but I'll give this a go on my next weekend.