2 afwas Sep 13, 2008 04:26
Hi Afwas,
Thank you very much for your reply, but I am not sure if I understood you correctly or proceeded correctly.
I did manage to login to the http://www.candy-arts.com/blog/admin.php I did download some skins from b2evolution website and installed them, deleted the customized skins and changed every blog default skin to one of the new installed skins that I have downloaded (they are all in the “skins” folder). The problem is, I am not getting navigation menus or anything that I can choose of which blog I want to see next or Topics, I get nothing at all to navigate, not even the login possibility. I am really very worried with this.
Please view this link to the default initial blog: http://www.candy-arts.com/blog/index.php
At this stage I am not very worried yet with customizing a skin, first I have to get all the blogs working with a standard b2evoskin. But where are the navigation menus?
Can you please help with this problem of the missing menus? Can I solve it by myself with you help? If you need to access the server, admin.php / ftp / cpanel I can send you the login and password or whatever you need to an email account, for security reasons I can’t publish them here. I have no idea of what can be wrong now.
Thank you so much.
Hello B2Evo support,
I am still waiting for help! :roll: Can someone pleeeeeease help. So many days have gone by now. :oops: I am receiving desperate messages from my Bloogers.
Can someone please give me a hint on how should I fix the missing menus on my blogs. :idea:
Every help is much appreciated. :D I am very grateful.
hi there CandyArtsCom..
I couldnt get what exactly the problem is, or what is not functioning, -maybe it's 7 am here (no i didnt just wake up, i am gonna sleep (faint) in a few minutes - If you could be more descriptive on what was functioning back than and what is not now, we might be able to help yah..
AFAI rly dont know what the pb is, there's a chance that it could be a skin issue ofc, you have serious validation errors :-/ rest assured, your skin didnt look very right at the very first moment, it's very html-ish and took too long to load, even if that problem -whatever that is : P- about the skin or not, you really gotta review it (; that's all i can suggest right now.. good luck
<OT>i guess you are one of the "lemme make mywebsite my nickname so that they ll notice it each time and wont ask for an url repeatedly" guy like me who doesnt really think to spend much time in here.. but be careful, as you may notice, i did the same when i first joined, i was just thinking of [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=62962#62962]saying a thank you and leaving[/url] - very cool leeching move (:-, eeahh how was i supposed to know support forums did actually work :P if you found my words sarcastic or offensive by any means please dont mind, they were all for me.. i just talk too much sometimes</OT>
You might like to crack open /conf/_basic_config.php and remove all the extra /'s from $baseurl ;)
Hello b2Evo support team,
Thank you very much for each reply and help.
Well I have 12 Blogs and everyone could navigate in between the blogs via the navigation menus on the top section and side panels of the blogs as usual in b2Evo software. But as I have explained above, all the navigation menus went missing with the version update I think, or with the server website transfer to a new host, or maybe someone hacked the blogs at that time too, I do not know for sure.
As 'Afwas' suggested, I configured default skins in all blogs and deleted customised skins. I come to the conclusion that no matter which b2Evo skin I use as default, the problem remains the same.
And also as 'Blonde Bimbo' suggested, I have deleted the extra '///' in /conf/_basic_config.php from $baseurl, so now that line reads $baseurl = 'http://candy-arts.com/blog/'; but this change made no difference.
Furthermore I have been looking in the Dashboard, Blog setting and Tools and found some errors in red, they are at this link to view:
Any ideas of the cause of these errors? Can they be the cause to the missing navigation menus?
Thank you.
:D Hello b2evo team,
:( Is there somebody willing to help? Does anyone know how am I going to get the navigation menus back? Is there any additional information you need or require?
:?: How about restoring one of those backups left from the upgrade? Is it possible and will it do any good?
Please reply,
Thank you.
:D Hello my friends,
:idea: I have been thinking... is it possible that the Weather Plugin is not compatible with the new upgrade?
I had the weather plugin installed and worked well up to that time, but it may be possible that it didn’t go along with the new upgrade and may have caused the navigation menus to go missing, or may not! I may be thinking wrong but anyway I think I should give a try and remove it. What do you think about this?
:?: I have full access to the Dashboard but I don't see where I can remove the weather plugin, it has been installed since the beginning, I think I should try to get it removed, but I cannot see where and how. Does anyone know how I go about removing this plugin?
:roll: I see a MySQL error http://www.candy-arts.com/Error/Error.html , I can handle MySQL as I have done a few databases but I am not very good at writing queries, I have forgotten that a bit. Is there a way of fixing those errors "Err no=1054" via MySQL or any other scripting is needed? :?: Can it be fixed?
:idea: Can the tech team give me some highlight on these issues please; I will be grateful if the blog gets fixed up.
:'( There were 12 Blogs full of posts and replies. :-/ My worry is how do I go about transferring all that information of these 12 blogs into a new installation, this is taking my sleep away lately!
B) Please can I get some reply from the support team or anyone willing to give a hand/help, many thanks.
Hello CandyArtsCom,
It may help your situation if you realise that there is no tech support ;) everyone who helps out on these forums does it because they want to ..... unless yer EdB, he sometimes does it cos he's pissed at summat and just wants to lash out ..... if that happens then just pat him on the head and promise him some porn or summat :roll:
Easiest way to uninstall the weather plugin is to delete the folder via ftp ;)
I have deleted the plug-in, in fact I ended up deleting all the extra plug-ins, and kept testing after each deletion, but no luck, it didn't work, it's still exactly the same.
EdB hasn't shown up yet, do you think he will show up by now?
Looking back at the errors in this link:
Is it possible to fix the media directory permission error, and how do I go about doing that?
Is it also possible to restore the blogs to a previous version installation backup? And how do I do that? I do not see that possibility in the Dashboard. Is there a way of doing that? Please advice.
Thank you,
Hi CandyArtsCom,
Welcome to the forums.
Your old skins will not work on a 2.4.x (upgraded) blog. This means that you have to redo parts of it.
Before that let's try to get your blog up.
Go to http://www.candy-arts.com/htsrv/admin.php and log in as usual. In the Dashboard go to Blog settings -> Skins and pick a skin that is available there. This will show your blog.
Next work on your skin.
Your skini is based on an existing B2evoskin. Probably Custom, but it may be any of the others. Hope you rememberd that, else the files of your old skin may hold a clue.
Upload the new 2.4.2 version of the base skin if it isn't installed already. If it's installed rename the folder (which basically makes a new skin).
Now upload and rename the stylesheet of your custom skin to that skins folder (rename to style.css).
If you view that newversion of your old skin you need to tweak it but I think only minor parts of it.
Hope this helps. You cna always return to this topic with your questions.
Good luck