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1 Sep 17, 2008 08:28    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Ver. 2.4.2, Evopress skin
I'd like to remove the text at the top that says "limited to 30 last days" or at least make it less prominent. Can't find where to change it. I know I can set posts per page to a number of posts and the message goes away but I want to archive by # days. Can you point me in the right direction.

I notice it also shows up in the IE title bar at the top of the browser window. That could go too!


2 Sep 26, 2008 01:35

is there a link? you can dig into \inc\items\model\_itemlistlight.class.php about 1132 lines deep, or you can remove the title for current request from your posts.main.php to remove it from the page.

make a custom and remove title for current request from the html title tag in there and save it in your evopress folder.

i don't know if either of these is what you want, as the first will make the change for every blog in your database and the second options will remove every title for every kind of request.

someone else may know how to pass parameters to the get_filter_titles function, from the request_title function, but I do not.

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