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1 Sep 21, 2008 08:04    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Hey, I am having an interesting layout issue in Firefox, Opera, Safari (windows), and Google chrome.

if you visit in any of the above browsers you will see that the second entree and later all have their titles squished to the right. If you visit the site in IE or Flock, it will look correct.

I find this odd, as isn't flock a Mozilla based browser as well (like firefox)?

This may be related to the flash videos. I added them with just the standard embed code given on vimeo's videos. Is this bad?

Anyways, could anyone pinpoint my problem, and/or give me a better way to embed vimeo videos?

2 Sep 21, 2008 08:13

Try adding this to your style.css

3 Sep 21, 2008 14:23

where in the style.css does that go? Sorry, still learning css.

Oh, and is that in the template's style.css or the one you can place in the media folder to add custom css?

EDIT: Nevermind, I added it to the template's css just at the very bottom and it worked!. thanks very much!

can you explain to me what this did and why it needed to be done?

4 Sep 21, 2008 14:37

I didn't look at your CSS too closely, but I imagine that there are a few float:lef, float:right statements for bits of the post layout structure.
Those floats need to be cleared before you start floating them in a following post again or good browsers will bite you and bad browsers will let things go until it really hits the fan :)

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