2 edb Sep 21, 2008 17:26

crack open /index.php ... meander down and juuuuuuust before :
// That's it, now let b2evolution do the rest! :)
require $inc_path.'_blog_main.inc.php';
put :
$orderby = 'date_modified';
press save, upload, refresh ....
One of two things will happen
1) it'll totally screw up, in which case you'll curse my name forever
2) it'll work so slickly that you'll praise the lord that I ever crawled out from under my bridge ;)
... with luck it'll be the first option, cos I hear they're having roast rat for tea tonight under the bridge ... and I'm a smidge hungry
Curse, curse, curse you! :p
Nope, didn't work with me no. But hey! How was the rat? ;)
Do you have any other suggestions? I'd really prefer the "list" in the sidebar as it enables you to keep posting. Although... No I'm thinking of it: your sollution was pretty good too!
I'm really PHP goof what writing concerns, so I can't even help ya out there! :(
I have two more nights at work, then I'll see if I can whip something up for this. A plugin that makes a widget that you can put in your sidebar is what I mean. No promises though because sometimes what seems easy turns out to be ... not.
The easiest things always take most of your time, só true! :D
I really appriciate anyone (and especially you right now) who helps me on this one...
Hi speessie. Welcome to the forums. I had to read your post twice to understand it, and (sadly) to the best of my knowledge there is no such animal. Two things come to mind. If you are level 10 admin you will notice a section under your post textarea that will allow you to change the date and time of publication. Change it to now and your freshly edited post will be at the top of the blog's main page. Secondly, and even better, is to wait for ¥åßßå to see this and, after a couple of shots of a rather splendid scotch whiskey decide 'yeah I can do that' then do that. Which is a thing he does. Decide he can do that then do that I mean. Which is nothing short of amazing once you learn that ¥åßßå has no internet connection and only once saw a computer on a television program he watched through a store window before the shop keeper chased him away and back under the bridge he normally forages for food under.
Yeah neat idea for a blog where the content gets updated frequently.
@¥åßßå: think of someone with some plugins that might occasionally get refreshed and sort of deserve a bit of visibility again. Or something like that.