2 tilqicom Sep 15, 2008 23:40

Heya tilqicom,
Thanks for sharing man. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this.
I'm used to using a non-blog CMS, very easy and simple, Website Baker. The page wrapper is damn near perfect.
Let's hope the pros can come up with something nice..
Thanks again and stay charmed..
lets hope they find it as useful as we think it is (:
the idea behind is simple, keeping all the includes (_body_header.inc.php, sidebar.php etc etc) and replacing the post loop with a given stable (probably html) content, but i am no capable of writing any plugin..
but i might provide you a temporary solution or tips if you are using one of the default skins and let know which one you are (hopefully one with only a index.main.php) :p
Well, that should be possible with an iFrame (that's the way the Joomla plugin does it, if I remember correctly). At least that's the easiest way, although users with browsers that don't support frames won't see the embedded page.
Why not try loading the html page into a div using <object> ?
Some links on the subject....
hi and welcome to the forums CharmedONE..
nice touche.. i even needed exactly this earlier and ve mentioned it but then i ve figured out how the skins work and how to call a single page and it went off being a problem for me..
but the thing is this is kinda useful feature, it should be available as a plugin i believe and i know wise guys are capable of doing it -coughs..:roll: pokes the plugin gurus- .. joomla has one, i dont know about the other cms' , but it's useful in deed, personally i dont like that generate static html thingy