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1 Sep 22, 2008 12:58    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I chose this blog, to create multiblog site. Many this I had to solve, to make as i want, but it seems to me I made a wrong choice with this blog.

What I wanted to achieve was Multiple blogs, same categories for everyone. So that i could get post by category, o by blog.

So it seems that the only way is to use moving categories and $allow_cross_posting=2 with that i cloud get everyone to use same categories, but they have to select one category from them?

Did i make a bad choice, would you then snuggest any other multiblog without this problem?

Thank you.

2 Sep 26, 2008 21:14

Hi aladin. Welcome to the forums.

I don't think you made a bad choice. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Meaning each category (or all the categories) is/are unique to each blog. What you seek has been mentioned before by the way. For example a "super category" that shows up in all blogs, rather than an admin having to click a box for each blog to cross-post some sort of 'global' announcement.

Sorry, but I've no clue what else out there in the wild wild web might work for this feature request.

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