2 sam2kb Oct 09, 2008 17:42
Thanks, I'll fix that in the next release!
Here's a better way to find out if jQuery Lightbox pulgin is installed, enabled and the right js method selected ;)
if( ($jqplug = $Plugins->get_by_code('ADjQLightbox')) !== false )
$choose_lightbox = $jqplug->Settings->get('choose_lightbox');
if( $jqplug->status == 'enabled' && !empty($choose_lightbox) && $choose_lightbox == 'standard' )
$this->lightbox_plugin = true;
The code is from Avatars plugin
Very good plugin, thanks!
My 2 cents if you don't mind :)
Replace the character ยค with something simple like # (it didn't work for me until I fixed it)