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1 Oct 21, 2008 14:12    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

This is the message I get when editing a post.
Notice: Undefined property: Item::$shortdesc in /home/homedesi/public_html/blog/inc/MODEL/dataobjects/_dataobject.class.php on line 461

Notice: Undefined property: Item::$keytags in /home/homedesi/public_html/blog/inc/MODEL/dataobjects/_dataobject.class.php on line 461

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/homedesi/public_html/blog/inc/MODEL/dataobjects/_dataobject.class.php:461) in /home/homedesi/public_html/blog/inc/VIEW/_menutop.php on line 39

Not sure why I am getting this; but I also cannot use my link, adsense and oher tools. This only happens sporadically. Other times everything is OK.

Any ideas?

2 Oct 21, 2008 14:39

Hi johnj,

Can you please provide the following information: What is the upgrade path your blog went through? Does this happen with posts originally written in another version of B2evolution?

Good luck

3 Oct 21, 2008 15:45

Did not upgrade. Have been using this version for quite a while. It is 1.10.2. I used my cpanel and Fantastico at Bluehost my server. this happens sporadically that I can't use adsense, url, etc.

Don't know if that answered your question?

5 Oct 21, 2008 18:52

Hi johnj,

If you're running an 1.10 blog it is likely this error is caused you using a plugin that is meant for 2.x.
It's kind of tricky to suggest a solution. Upgrading to 2.x would help but that will take you a few rainy days to redo the skin.
You could find the plugin that's causing the troubles.
You could leave the blog as is if it's not bothering you that much.

Good luck

6 Oct 21, 2008 19:13

The only thing that is a problem is no being able to add links to the body copy because they (links, bold, adsense,etc) work sporadically. Anything I can do to fix that issue?

Right now it is hit and miss as to when it is working.

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