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1 Oct 30, 2008 17:11    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x


We are using a highly customized skin, and would like to add sidebar to the left. I've searched and found little information. Is it possible? Thanks.

3 Nov 05, 2008 22:33


thank you very much for that very helpful resource. I gave it a try with pixalgreen but i didnt get it totally right, and have two questions

1. when i copied the sidebar and pasted it before the central column, it pushed the central column down and both sidebars were above it. i was trying to use percentage based sizes, like 60% middle and two 20% sidebars. could that be the reason or is there some other reason why putting a sidbar div before the central div would push it down?

2. in some skins with 3 columns the two different sidebars show up in b2evoluction backend where you can just click and add widgets via the interface. will this happen in your example, will you be able to add and remove widgets from the new sidebar you copied and pasted through the b2evolution backend interface? autodetect??

thanks for any assistance, this forum is amazing for non-computer professionals to get very powerful web tools up and running


4 Nov 05, 2008 23:37

Hi esquired,

Yes there can be another reason.
a) probably working with pixels is better than working with percentages.
b) the column is either left or right aligned. With three columns there's going to be troubles. So make a <div> for three columns. In it make two <div>s, one aligned to the left and one aligned to the right, next make two <div>s in the left inner <div> again one aligned left and one right.

<div class="outer_div">
    <div class="inner_left_div">
        <div class="inner_inner_left_div">
            left sidebar goes here
        <div class="inner_inner_right_div">
            central column goes here
    <div class="inner_right_div">
        right sidebar goes here

You can add and remove widgets from a sidebar (container). In this point in time you cannot move or copy/paste widgets from one container to another.

Good luck

5 Nov 06, 2008 20:35


thank you very much for the help, i finally figured it out after trial and error and it was pretty much what your tutorial said!

im a lawyer by trade and the last time i played with html was in high school 10 years ago so this stuff was completely unfamiliar

thanks again, im off to become an internet sensation now...


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