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1 Oct 30, 2008 23:31    

Hi: Thanks in advance for some newbie patience.

I grabbed a nice skin called NaturalRemedy... you've probably seen it..

I wanted to insert different image than the frog and change the titles and link colors to match my theme...

Never done CSS before - but I opened up the file and changed every instance of the current color to my new tone: uploaded the CSS file and walah the titles changed...


The links still have the same kermit green color and change to white when I mouse over them..

Experts Please - how do I change the links to match my theme as well... and also get control over the mouse-over color...

2 Nov 01, 2008 04:03

a {color: green;}
a:hover {color: white;}

add it to the very end of your style.css or modify it accordingly

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