Recent Topics

1 Nov 10, 2008 14:23    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I want to add some (google adsense) ads aswell on the right of the blog, on the same height where the menu starts (home/contact/login).

I placed the others by using free HTML widgets but I dont how do this one, (aligning to the right somehow?)

2 Nov 11, 2008 16:20

Added the banner to the header, but as you can see in the link its not on the correct place.

Where can I find this adsense javascript in the files?

(playing around now with the colors, nvm them)

3 Nov 11, 2008 19:30

please provide a screenshot where would you like to place your ad exactly, i really couldnt relate to what you are trying to do

5 Nov 12, 2008 08:06

add this before <div id="wrapper">:

<div id="myadblock">
<!--your adsense code goes here-->

Some adsense code bla bla

<!--end of your adsense code -->

now you will have an ad block outside your wrapper, it's time to float it with the main page, open up your style.css and add this:

#myadblock {
width: 170px; /*or whatever pixels u d like*/
float: left;}

that should be it. If sth goes wrong or doesnt look the way you wanted it to, report back leaving the changes as they are and we ll fix it in case we need to.good luck

6 Nov 12, 2008 12:36

Thanks it works, but

some of the margins? of the blog create a gap between the ad and the blog.
U will notice it when u check the link, but I dont exactly which one (did some trial and error)

Edit: I noticed that it looks different in Firefox and IE :-/
In firefox its almost looking correct (IE7, FF3)

7 Nov 12, 2008 16:22

it must be the ie double margin bug..

try adding:


to your #myadblock

and i ve seen you have floated the ad block to the right, it's not the best idea to do.. you should better use

margin-top: 220px;
width: 180px; /*or whatever pixels u d like*/ 
float: right;
position relative;}

but this time you should move the <div id="myadblock">ad code..</div> just before the end of </div> <-- for the #wrapper

8 Nov 12, 2008 17:18

Im sorry for the questions, but its still not working;

<div id="wrapper">
<div class="bHeader">
<div class="pageHeader">
		// ------------------------- "Header" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
		// Display container and contents:
		skin_container( NT_('Header'), array(
				// The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
				'block_start'       => '<div class="$wi_class$">',
				'block_end'         => '</div>',
				'block_title_start' => '<h1>',
				'block_title_end'   => '</h1>',
			) );

		// ----------------------------- END OF "Header" CONTAINER -----------------------------
<div id="myadblock">  // this not in the actual source (U mean here, before the end of the /divx of the wrapper? but now its IN the wrapper)
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-4638128373512497";
/* 120x600, gemaakt 9-11-08 */
google_ad_slot = "3804552775";
google_ad_width = 120;
google_ad_height = 600;
<script type="text/javascript"

U mean before the end of the /divx of the wrapper? but now its IN the wrapper, I tryed putting it on other places as well but no good result.

I dont know what you mean by for, just for or before. But both not working properly. With before the old results

Also still difference between the 2 browsers

9 Nov 12, 2008 18:10

well.. you should find out which "</div> is of the #wrapper's and add your ad block before it..supposingly;

<div id="myadblock"><adcode />
</div> <!-- this is supposed to be the closing tag for #myadblock -->
</div> <!-- this is supposed to be the closing tag for #wrapper-->

10 Nov 13, 2008 13:36

Im sorry but, I still have no clue, tryed different things, but all it does is making a mess of my lay-out.

And putting it there it means its still in the wrapper...right?

11 Nov 13, 2008 17:04

i presume your skin has only an index.main.php, so paste it here and i ll tell you where to place it

12 Nov 13, 2008 17:31

Okay here it comes;

 * This is the main/default page template for the "custom" skin.
 * This skin only uses one single template which includes most of its features.
 * It will also rely on default includes for specific dispays (like the comment form).
 * For a quick explanation of b2evo 2.0 skins, please start here:
 * {@link}
 * The main page template is used to display the blog when no specific page template is available
 * to handle the request (based on $disp).
 * @package evoskins
 * @subpackage custom
 * @version $Id: index.main.php,v 1.16 2008/04/15 21:53:31 fplanque Exp $
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

if( version_compare( $app_version, '2.4.1' ) < 0 )
{ // Older 2.x skins work on newer 2.x b2evo versions, but newer 2.x skins may not work on older 2.x b2evo versions.
	die( 'This skin is designed for b2evolution 2.4.1 and above. Please <a href="">upgrade your b2evolution</a>.' );

// This is the main template; it may be used to display very different things.
// Do inits depending on current $disp:
skin_init( $disp );

// -------------------------- HTML HEADER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
skin_include( '' );
// Note: You can customize the default HTML header by copying the generic
// /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
// -------------------------------- END OF HEADER --------------------------------

<div id="wrapper">
<div class="bHeader">
<div class="pageHeader">
		// ------------------------- "Header" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
		// Display container and contents:
		skin_container( NT_('Header'), array(
				// The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
				'block_start'       => '<div class="$wi_class$">',
				'block_end'         => '</div>',
				'block_title_start' => '<h1>',
				'block_title_end'   => '</h1>',
			) );

		// ----------------------------- END OF "Header" CONTAINER -----------------------------


<div class="PageTop">
		// ------------------------- "Page Top" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
		// Display container and contents:
		skin_container( NT_('Page Top'), array(
				// The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
				'block_start'         => '<div class="$wi_class$">',
				'block_end'           => '</div>',
				'block_display_title' => false,
				'list_start'          => '<ul>',
				'list_end'            => '</ul>',
				'item_start'          => '<li>',
				'item_end'            => '</li>',
			) );
		// ----------------------------- END OF "Page Top" CONTAINER -----------------------------


<div class="top_menu">
		// ------------------------- "Menu" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
		// Display container and contents:
		// Note: this container is designed to be a single <ul> list
		skin_container( NT_('Menu'), array(
				// The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
				'block_start'         => '',
				'block_end'           => '',
				'block_display_title' => false,
				'list_start'          => '',
				'list_end'            => '',
				'item_start'          => '<li>',
				'item_end'            => '</li>',
			) );
		// ----------------------------- END OF "Menu" CONTAINER -----------------------------
<div id="myadblock">  <script type="text/javascript"><!-- 
google_ad_client = "pub-4638128373512497"; 
/* 120x600, gemaakt 9-11-08 */ 
google_ad_slot = "3804552775"; 
google_ad_width = 120; 
google_ad_height = 600; 
<script type="text/javascript" 

<!-- =================================== START OF MAIN AREA =================================== -->
<div class="bPosts">

		// ------------------------- MESSAGES GENERATED FROM ACTIONS -------------------------
		messages( array(
				'block_start' => '<div class="action_messages">',
				'block_end'   => '</div>',
			) );
		// --------------------------------- END OF MESSAGES ---------------------------------

		// ------------------- PREV/NEXT POST LINKS (SINGLE POST MODE) -------------------
		item_prevnext_links( array(
				'block_start' => '<table class="prevnext_post"><tr>',
				'prev_start'  => '<td>',
				'prev_end'    => '</td>',
				'next_start'  => '<td class="right">',
				'next_end'    => '</td>',
				'block_end'   => '</tr></table>',
			) );
		// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT POST LINKS -------------------------

		// ------------------------ TITLE FOR THE CURRENT REQUEST ------------------------
		request_title( array(
				'title_before'=> '<h2>',
				'title_after' => '</h2>',
				'title_none'  => '',
				'glue'        => ' - ',
				'title_single_disp' => true,
				'format'      => 'htmlbody',
			) );
		// ----------------------------- END OF REQUEST TITLE ----------------------------

		// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
		mainlist_page_links( array(
				'block_start' => '<p class="center">'.T_('Pages:').' <strong>',
				'block_end' => '</strong></p>',
			) );
		// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

		// --------------------------------- START OF POSTS -------------------------------------
		// Display message if no post:

		while( $Item = & mainlist_get_item() )
		{	// For each blog post, do everything below up to the closing curly brace "}"


		<div id="<?php $Item->anchor_id() ?>" class="bPost bPost<?php $Item->status_raw() ?>" lang="<?php $Item->lang() ?>">

				$Item->locale_temp_switch(); // Temporarily switch to post locale (useful for multilingual blogs)

			<div class="bSmallHead">
<h3 class="bTitle"><?php $Item->title(); ?></h3>
// Permalink:

				$Item->issue_date( array( 
                        'before'    => '', 
                        'after'     => '', 

				echo ', ';
$Item->locale_flag( array(
						'before'    => ' &nbsp; ',
						'after'     => '',
					) );

			<br />

				$Item->categories( array(
					'before'          => T_('Categories').': ',
					'after'           => ' ',
					'include_main'    => true,
					'include_other'   => true,
					'include_external'=> true,
					'link_categories' => true,
				) );


				// ---------------------- POST CONTENT INCLUDED HERE ----------------------
				skin_include( '', array(
						'image_size'	=>	'fit-400x320',
					) );
				// Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
				// /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
				// -------------------------- END OF POST CONTENT -------------------------

				// List all tags attached to this post:
				$Item->tags( array(
						'before' =>         '<div class="bSmallPrint">'.T_('Tags').': ',
						'after' =>          '</div>',
						'separator' =>      ', ',
					) );

			<div class="bSmallPrint">
					// Permalink:
					$Item->permanent_link( array(
							'class' => 'permalink_right permanent_link',
							'text' => '&nbsp;'
						) );

					// Link to comments, trackbacks, etc.:
					$Item->feedback_link( array(
									'type' => 'comments',
									'link_before' => '',
									'link_after' => '',
									'link_text_zero' => '#',
									'link_text_one' => '#',
									'link_text_more' => '#',
									'link_title' => '#',
									'use_popup' => false,
								) );

					// Link to comments, trackbacks, etc.:
					$Item->feedback_link( array(
									'type' => 'trackbacks',
									'link_before' => ' &bull; ',
									'link_after' => '',
									'link_text_zero' => '#',
									'link_text_one' => '#',
									'link_text_more' => '#',
									'link_title' => '#',
									'use_popup' => false,
								) );

					$Item->edit_link( array( // Link to backoffice for editing
							'before'    => ' &bull; ',
							'after'     => '',
						) );

				// ------------------ FEEDBACK (COMMENTS/TRACKBACKS) INCLUDED HERE ------------------
				skin_include( '', array(
						'before_section_title' => '<h4>',
						'after_section_title'  => '</h4>',
					) );
				// Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
				// /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
				// ---------------------- END OF FEEDBACK (COMMENTS/TRACKBACKS) ---------------------

				locale_restore_previous();	// Restore previous locale (Blog locale)
		} // ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------

		// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
		mainlist_page_links( array(
				'block_start' => '<p class="center"><strong>',
				'block_end' => '</strong></p>',
   			'prev_text' => '&lt;&lt;',
   			'next_text' => '&gt;&gt;',
			) );
		// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

		// -------------- MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED HERE (Based on $disp) --------------
		skin_include( '$disp$', array(
				'disp_posts'  => '',		// We already handled this case above
				'disp_single' => '',		// We already handled this case above
				'disp_page'   => '',		// We already handled this case above
			) );
		// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
		// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
		// ------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ---------------------------


<!-- =================================== START OF SIDEBAR =================================== -->
<div class="bSideBar">

		// ------------------------- "Sidebar" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
		// Display container contents:
		skin_container( NT_('Sidebar'), array(
				// The following (optional) params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
				// This will enclose each widget in a block:
				'block_start' => '<div class="bSideItem $wi_class$">',
				'block_end' => '</div>',
				// This will enclose the title of each widget:
				'block_title_start' => '<h3>',
				'block_title_end' => '</h3>',
				// If a widget displays a list, this will enclose that list:
				'list_start' => '<ul>',
				'list_end' => '</ul>',
				// This will enclose each item in a list:
				'item_start' => '<li>',
				'item_end' => '</li>',
				// This will enclose sub-lists in a list:
				'group_start' => '<ul>',
				'group_end' => '</ul>',
				// This will enclose (foot)notes:
				'notes_start' => '<div class="notes">',
				'notes_end' => '</div>',

) );

// ----------------------------- END OF "Sidebar" CONTAINER -----------------------------


<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>

<!-- =================================== START OF FOOTER =================================== -->
<div class="pageFooter">
		// Display container and contents:
		skin_container( NT_("Footer"), array(
				// The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
			) );
		// Note: Double quotes have been used around "Footer" only for test purposes.
	<p class="baseline">
			// Display footer text (text can be edited in Blog Settings):
			$Blog->footer_text( array(
					'before'      => '',
					'after'       => ' &bull; ',
				) );

			// Display a link to contact the owner of this blog (if owner accepts messages):
			$Blog->contact_link( array(
					'before'      => '',
					'after'       => ' &bull; ',
					'text'   => T_('Contact'),
					'title'  => T_('Send a message to the owner of this blog...'),
				) );

			// Display additional credits:
 			// If you can add your own credits without removing the defaults, you'll be very cool :))
		 	// Please leave this at the bottom of the page to make sure your blog gets listed on
			credits( array(
					'list_start'  => T_('Credits').': ',
					'list_end'    => ' ',
					'separator'   => '|',
					'item_start'  => ' ',
					'item_end'    => ' ',
				) );
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-4638128373512497";
/* 728x90, gemaakt 3-11-08 */
google_ad_slot = "1305073241";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;
<script type="text/javascript"

// ------------------------- HTML FOOTER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
skin_include( '' );
// Note: You can customize the default HTML footer by copying the
// file into the current skin folder.
// ------------------------------- END OF FOOTER --------------------------------

13 Nov 13, 2008 19:50

okay here is how it's supposed to be

 * This is the main/default page template for the "custom" skin.
 * This skin only uses one single template which includes most of its features.
 * It will also rely on default includes for specific dispays (like the comment form).
 * For a quick explanation of b2evo 2.0 skins, please start here:
 * {@link}
 * The main page template is used to display the blog when no specific page template is available
 * to handle the request (based on $disp).
 * @package evoskins
 * @subpackage custom
 * @version $Id: index.main.php,v 1.16 2008/04/15 21:53:31 fplanque Exp $
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

if( version_compare( $app_version, '2.4.1' ) < 0 )
{ // Older 2.x skins work on newer 2.x b2evo versions, but newer 2.x skins may not work on older 2.x b2evo versions.
   die( 'This skin is designed for b2evolution 2.4.1 and above. Please <a href="">upgrade your b2evolution</a>.' );

// This is the main template; it may be used to display very different things.
// Do inits depending on current $disp:
skin_init( $disp );

// -------------------------- HTML HEADER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
skin_include( '' );
// Note: You can customize the default HTML header by copying the generic
// /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
// -------------------------------- END OF HEADER --------------------------------

<div id="wrapper">
<div class="bHeader">
<div class="pageHeader">
      // ------------------------- "Header" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
      // Display container and contents:
      skin_container( NT_('Header'), array(
            // The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
            'block_start'       => '<div class="$wi_class$">',
            'block_end'         => '</div>',
            'block_title_start' => '<h1>',
            'block_title_end'   => '</h1>',
         ) );

      // ----------------------------- END OF "Header" CONTAINER -----------------------------


<div class="PageTop">
      // ------------------------- "Page Top" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
      // Display container and contents:
      skin_container( NT_('Page Top'), array(
            // The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
            'block_start'         => '<div class="$wi_class$">',
            'block_end'           => '</div>',
            'block_display_title' => false,
            'list_start'          => '<ul>',
            'list_end'            => '</ul>',
            'item_start'          => '<li>',
            'item_end'            => '</li>',
         ) );
      // ----------------------------- END OF "Page Top" CONTAINER -----------------------------


<div class="top_menu">
      // ------------------------- "Menu" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
      // Display container and contents:
      // Note: this container is designed to be a single <ul> list
      skin_container( NT_('Menu'), array(
            // The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
            'block_start'         => '',
            'block_end'           => '',
            'block_display_title' => false,
            'list_start'          => '',
            'list_end'            => '',
            'item_start'          => '<li>',
            'item_end'            => '</li>',
         ) );
      // ----------------------------- END OF "Menu" CONTAINER -----------------------------

<!-- =================================== START OF MAIN AREA =================================== -->
<div class="bPosts">

      // ------------------------- MESSAGES GENERATED FROM ACTIONS -------------------------
      messages( array(
            'block_start' => '<div class="action_messages">',
            'block_end'   => '</div>',
         ) );
      // --------------------------------- END OF MESSAGES ---------------------------------

      // ------------------- PREV/NEXT POST LINKS (SINGLE POST MODE) -------------------
      item_prevnext_links( array(
            'block_start' => '<table class="prevnext_post"><tr>',
            'prev_start'  => '<td>',
            'prev_end'    => '</td>',
            'next_start'  => '<td class="right">',
            'next_end'    => '</td>',
            'block_end'   => '</tr></table>',
         ) );
      // ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT POST LINKS -------------------------

      // ------------------------ TITLE FOR THE CURRENT REQUEST ------------------------
      request_title( array(
            'title_before'=> '<h2>',
            'title_after' => '</h2>',
            'title_none'  => '',
            'glue'        => ' - ',
            'title_single_disp' => true,
            'format'      => 'htmlbody',
         ) );
      // ----------------------------- END OF REQUEST TITLE ----------------------------

      // -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
      mainlist_page_links( array(
            'block_start' => '<p class="center">'.T_('Pages:').' <strong>',
            'block_end' => '</strong></p>',
         ) );
      // ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

      // --------------------------------- START OF POSTS -------------------------------------
      // Display message if no post:

      while( $Item = & mainlist_get_item() )
      {   // For each blog post, do everything below up to the closing curly brace "}"


      <div id="<?php $Item->anchor_id() ?>" class="bPost bPost<?php $Item->status_raw() ?>" lang="<?php $Item->lang() ?>">

            $Item->locale_temp_switch(); // Temporarily switch to post locale (useful for multilingual blogs)

         <div class="bSmallHead">
<h3 class="bTitle"><?php $Item->title(); ?></h3>
// Permalink:

            $Item->issue_date( array(
                        'before'    => '',
                        'after'     => '',

            echo ', ';
$Item->locale_flag( array(
                  'before'    => ' &nbsp; ',
                  'after'     => '',
               ) );

         <br />

            $Item->categories( array(
               'before'          => T_('Categories').': ',
               'after'           => ' ',
               'include_main'    => true,
               'include_other'   => true,
               'include_external'=> true,
               'link_categories' => true,
            ) );


            // ---------------------- POST CONTENT INCLUDED HERE ----------------------
            skin_include( '', array(
                  'image_size'   =>   'fit-400x320',
               ) );
            // Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
            // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
            // -------------------------- END OF POST CONTENT -------------------------

            // List all tags attached to this post:
            $Item->tags( array(
                  'before' =>         '<div class="bSmallPrint">'.T_('Tags').': ',
                  'after' =>          '</div>',
                  'separator' =>      ', ',
               ) );

         <div class="bSmallPrint">
               // Permalink:
               $Item->permanent_link( array(
                     'class' => 'permalink_right permanent_link',
                     'text' => '&nbsp;'
                  ) );

               // Link to comments, trackbacks, etc.:
               $Item->feedback_link( array(
                           'type' => 'comments',
                           'link_before' => '',
                           'link_after' => '',
                           'link_text_zero' => '#',
                           'link_text_one' => '#',
                           'link_text_more' => '#',
                           'link_title' => '#',
                           'use_popup' => false,
                        ) );

               // Link to comments, trackbacks, etc.:
               $Item->feedback_link( array(
                           'type' => 'trackbacks',
                           'link_before' => ' &bull; ',
                           'link_after' => '',
                           'link_text_zero' => '#',
                           'link_text_one' => '#',
                           'link_text_more' => '#',
                           'link_title' => '#',
                           'use_popup' => false,
                        ) );

               $Item->edit_link( array( // Link to backoffice for editing
                     'before'    => ' &bull; ',
                     'after'     => '',
                  ) );

            // ------------------ FEEDBACK (COMMENTS/TRACKBACKS) INCLUDED HERE ------------------
            skin_include( '', array(
                  'before_section_title' => '<h4>',
                  'after_section_title'  => '</h4>',
               ) );
            // Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
            // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
            // ---------------------- END OF FEEDBACK (COMMENTS/TRACKBACKS) ---------------------

            locale_restore_previous();   // Restore previous locale (Blog locale)
      } // ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------

      // -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
      mainlist_page_links( array(
            'block_start' => '<p class="center"><strong>',
            'block_end' => '</strong></p>',
            'prev_text' => '&lt;&lt;',
            'next_text' => '&gt;&gt;',
         ) );
      // ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

      // -------------- MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED HERE (Based on $disp) --------------
      skin_include( '$disp$', array(
            'disp_posts'  => '',      // We already handled this case above
            'disp_single' => '',      // We already handled this case above
            'disp_page'   => '',      // We already handled this case above
         ) );
      // Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
      // copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
      // ------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ---------------------------


<!-- =================================== START OF SIDEBAR =================================== -->
<div class="bSideBar">

      // ------------------------- "Sidebar" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
      // Display container contents:
      skin_container( NT_('Sidebar'), array(
            // The following (optional) params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
            // This will enclose each widget in a block:
            'block_start' => '<div class="bSideItem $wi_class$">',
            'block_end' => '</div>',
            // This will enclose the title of each widget:
            'block_title_start' => '<h3>',
            'block_title_end' => '</h3>',
            // If a widget displays a list, this will enclose that list:
            'list_start' => '<ul>',
            'list_end' => '</ul>',
            // This will enclose each item in a list:
            'item_start' => '<li>',
            'item_end' => '</li>',
            // This will enclose sub-lists in a list:
            'group_start' => '<ul>',
            'group_end' => '</ul>',
            // This will enclose (foot)notes:
            'notes_start' => '<div class="notes">',
            'notes_end' => '</div>',

) );

// ----------------------------- END OF "Sidebar" CONTAINER -----------------------------


<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>

<!-- =================================== START OF FOOTER =================================== -->
<div class="pageFooter">
      // Display container and contents:
      skin_container( NT_("Footer"), array(
            // The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
         ) );
      // Note: Double quotes have been used around "Footer" only for test purposes.
   <p class="baseline">
         // Display footer text (text can be edited in Blog Settings):
         $Blog->footer_text( array(
               'before'      => '',
               'after'       => ' &bull; ',
            ) );

         // Display a link to contact the owner of this blog (if owner accepts messages):
         $Blog->contact_link( array(
               'before'      => '',
               'after'       => ' &bull; ',
               'text'   => T_('Contact'),
               'title'  => T_('Send a message to the owner of this blog...'),
            ) );

         // Display additional credits:
          // If you can add your own credits without removing the defaults, you'll be very cool :))
          // Please leave this at the bottom of the page to make sure your blog gets listed on
         credits( array(
               'list_start'  => T_('Credits').': ',
               'list_end'    => ' ',
               'separator'   => '|',
               'item_start'  => ' ',
               'item_end'    => ' ',
            ) );
</div><!-- presuming this is supposed to be the closing div for the footer-->
</div><!-- presuming this is supposed to be the closing div for the wrapper-->

<div id="myadblock">  <script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-4638128373512497";
/* 120x600, gemaakt 9-11-08 */
google_ad_slot = "3804552775";
google_ad_width = 120;
google_ad_height = 600;
<script type="text/javascript"

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-4638128373512497";
/* 728x90, gemaakt 3-11-08 */
google_ad_slot = "1305073241";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;
<script type="text/javascript"

// ------------------------- HTML FOOTER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
skin_include( '' );
// Note: You can customize the default HTML footer by copying the
// file into the current skin folder.
// ------------------------------- END OF FOOTER --------------------------------

Then you should add this to the very end of your style.css

#myadblock {
width: 170px; /*or whatever pixels u d like*/
float: left;
margin-left: 20px;/*this is the gap between page and ad*/
position: relative; /*this is to cover ie double margin bug*/

14 Nov 13, 2008 21:30

thx a lot for the work,I really appreciate it, the php one works, but the style.css didnt work out quite well.

To get it working I changed the css to;

#myadblock { 
width: 0px; /*or whatever pixels u d like*/ 
float: right; 
margin-top: -1750px;
margin-left: 20px;/*this is the gap between page and ad*/ 
position: relative; /*this is to cover ie double margin bug*/ 

put the floating on the right, so its on the right of the blog. Added the margin-top, but it will work in this case, but if I add more post/text, I have to re edit the margin top (because it makes the post longer and the banner is actually in the footer).

Is not more logical to but the ad in the header(the thing where the logo is) so the the margin-top can be done with a + value so it stays there?

Ill try that later this evening

15 Nov 13, 2008 22:32

oh, sorry my bad :oops: , i meant to move the adblock outside the #wrapper, but i misplaced it somehow, so move it outside the wrapper after the closing div, i have corrected the above , either copy it again or simply move your ad block after :

</div><!-- presuming this is supposed to be the closing div for the footer-->
</div><!-- presuming this is supposed to be the closing div for the wrapper-->

16 Nov 13, 2008 23:07

Well its solved now :D , thx m8 for the help

17 Nov 14, 2008 01:19

no problem, enjor your evo

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