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1 Nov 18, 2008 15:08    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I am totally new to blogs and b2evolution so this question maybe has been asked a thousand times. I apologize if it has. I did searches but perhaps my terminology is simply incorrect.

I am using b2evol 1.9.1-beta on linux Fedora 10. I am using the simple custom skin. I can change my color scheme in the custom.css okay. My problem is that it changes the scheme for all blog tabs ..... Blog A, Blog B, etc.

I need to fix things up so I can have a different color scheme, dependent on which blog tab I go to. Example .... Let's say I want the default color scheme for Blog A but want a green and orange color scheme for Blog B. What do I need to do to to get b2evol to utilize a different css scheme for each individual tab?


2 Nov 18, 2008 23:13

Okay, you can disregard this post. I simply copied everything from the /skins/custom folder to new folders called /skins/custom1, custom2, etc., edited the custom.css in each to my heart's content and then designated the pertinent skins folder to it's corresponding blog.

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