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1 Nov 18, 2008 19:53    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Hello All,

I have spent hours playing with this code and would like to call upon the powers of the internet.

I want to put the posting byline right under each posts title, like this

November 18, 2008, 12pm by Joe Smith

The code I have rearranged (which essentially works) is as follow;

$Item->title( array(
'before' => '<h3 class="bTitle">',
'after' => '</h3>',
) );
$Item->issue_date( array(
'before' => T_('Posted '),
'after' => ' ',
'date_format' => 'F jS, Y, g:ia',
) );
$Item->author( array(
'before' => T_('by').' <strong>',
'after' => '</strong>',
) );

However, the </h3> no matter where I put it, seems to push the date/time/poster text into the next element (into the text of the post), even if I separate the items as follows

<h3 class="bTitle">
$Item->title( array(
'before' => '',
'after' => '',
) )


$Item->issue_date( array(
'before' => T_('Posted '),
'after' => ' ',
'date_format' => 'F jS, Y, g:ia',
) );
$Item->author( array(
'before' => T_('by').' <strong>',
'after' => '</strong>',
) );

I dont think its a space issue because if I put the </h3> at the very end of this code, all the proper text appears in a linear line, but its all in H3 format. I only want the title in H3 format, then a line break <BR>, and then the time/date/poster info in regular text.

What am I missing??? Its not that the </h3> is acting as a line breaking <HR>, that would be ok, it seems to push the remaining time/date items into the body of the post out of the title element!! Why does the </H3> always push the next items into the next element (from the title to the body of the post!)??? Im using a pixelgreen template if that matters...


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