My b2evolution Version: 2.x
When entering "stats", the system defaults to the stats for "All" and the following error is displayed:
MySQL error!
Got error 127 from storage engine(Errno=1030)
Your query: Get hit summary
SELECT COUNT(*) AS hits, agnt_type, EXTRACT(YEAR
FROM hit_datetime) AS year,
FROM hit_datetime) AS month, EXTRACT(DAY
FROM hit_datetime) AS day
FROM evo_hitlog INNER JOIN evo_useragents ON hit_agnt_ID = agnt_ID
GROUP BY year, month, day, agnt_type
ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, day DESC, agnt_type
And although the "Sessions" appears here and is operational, if I click on the tab for single blog's stats, the stats appear but the Sessions' tab disappears.
Solved. I did a simple "Repair DB" from the cpanel's MySQL area and that did it.