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1 Nov 27, 2008 15:06    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.5

i tried to make one big post 15pages totally 1500 lines , file size is 78Ko when i save it i get an empty page on the web site. Then i go back and cut it by 2 and succeed to get my blog back too.
But cut by two was maybe not enough because after few text corrections (add fex words) i face again the same phenomena.
Is someone know if there is some size/page limits for one post ?
Thanks and Best regards


2 Nov 27, 2008 19:50

stks managed to kill his bandwidth with posts in excess of the ( now-obliterated ) ex-65Kb limit ;)

meander over to conf/_advanced.php, find a segment of code that looks like this and change it to look like this ( approx line 43 ) :

// If you get blank pages, PHP may be crashing because it doesn't have enough memory.
// The default is 8 MB (in PHP < 5.2) and 128 MB (in PHP > 5.2)
// Try uncommmenting the following line:
ini_set( 'memory_limit', '64M' );

see if that helps .... if not then sit back and hope someone with more sense than me wanders along

.... should take about 3 seconds based on real life, but that's by the by :P


3 Nov 27, 2008 21:18

Nothing looks like that in that file:

* This file includes upgrade settings for b2evolution.
* b2evolution - {@link}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
* @copyright (c)2003-2008 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
* @package conf
if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

* Old b2 tables used exclusively by the cafelog upgrade mode of the install script.
* @global string
$oldtableposts = 'b2posts';
$oldtableusers = 'b2users';
$oldtablesettings = 'b2settings';
$oldtablecategories = 'b2categories';
$oldtablecomments = 'b2comments';

* Variables to be used to upgrade from previous versions on b2evolution.
* These are variables that were previously located in /conf/
* If you want to preserve those settings copy your values over here
* before running the upgrade script.

// Moved from /blogs/conf/_advanced.php:

* Set this to 0 to disable file upload, or 1 to enable it
* @global boolean $use_fileupload
* @deprecated since 1.6: this is only used for creating the defaults when upgrading
* This has been used until EVO_NEW_VERSION by XMLRPC though.
$use_fileupload = 1;

* Enter the real path of the directory where you'll upload the pictures.
* If you're unsure about what your real path is, please ask your host's support staff.
* Note that the directory must be writable by the webserver (ChMod 766).
* Note for windows-servers users: use forwardslashes instead of backslashes.
* Example: $fileupload_realpath = '/home/example/public_html/media/'; # WITH traling slash!
* Alternatively you may want to use a path relative to $basepath.
* @global string $fileupload_realpath
* @deprecated 1.6: the user uploads to his own media folder (or somewhere else with write permissions)
* This has been used until EVO_NEW_VERSION by XMLRPC/MMS though.
$fileupload_realpath = $basepath.'media/'; # WARNING: slashes moved!

* Enter the URL of that directory
* This is used to generate the links to the pictures
* Example: $fileupload_url = ''; # WITH traling slash!
* Alternatively you may want to use an URL relatibe to $baseurl
* @global string $fileupload_url
* @deprecated 1.6: the user uploads to his own media folder (or somewhere else with write permissions)
* This has been used until EVO_NEW_VERSION by XMLRPC/MMS though.
$fileupload_url = $baseurl.'media/'; # WARNING: slashes moved!

// Moved from /blogs/conf/_advanced.php:

* Accepted file types, you can add to that list if you want.
* Note: add a space before and after each file type.
* Example: $fileupload_allowedtypes = ' jpg gif png ';
* @global string $fileupload_allowedtypes
* @deprecated 1.6: this is only used for creating the defaults when upgrading
$fileupload_allowedtypes = ' jpg gif png txt ';

* by default, most servers limit the size of uploads to 2048 KB
* if you want to set it to a lower value, here it is (you cannot set a higher value)
* @global int $fileupload_maxk
* @deprecated 1.6: this is only used for creating the defaults when upgrading
$fileupload_maxk = '96'; // in kilo bytes

// Moved from /blogs/conf/_stats.php:

* How many days of stats do you want to keep before auto pruning them?
* Set to 0 to disable auto pruning
* @global int $stats_autoprune
* @deprecated 1.6: this is only used for creating the defaults when upgrading
$stats_autoprune = 30; // Default: 30 days


Then i sit back...

Best regards


4 Nov 27, 2008 21:30

urm, that's /conf/_upgrade.php, not /conf/_advanced.php ;)


5 Nov 27, 2008 21:52

you are right 8|
then i have made the modification and will try...

6 Nov 27, 2008 22:13

Thanks a lot,
My problem is solved. Your solution was perfectly correct.
After modification , i reboot the server to be sure that the modification was updated.
I set 128M to be sure not to face such pb in a near future.

Best regards


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