My b2evolution Version: 2.x
My blog is not working, when opening the backoffice I get this messages:
MySQL error!
Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_625a_0.MYI' (Errcode: 13)(Errno=1)
Your query:
SELECT DISTINCT evo_comments.*
FROM evo_comments INNER JOIN evo_items__item ON comment_post_ID = post_ID INNER JOIN evo_postcats ON post_ID = postcat_post_ID
INNER JOIN evo_categories othercats ON postcat_cat_ID = othercats.cat_ID
WHERE othercats.cat_blog_ID = 2
AND comment_type IN ('comment','trackback','pingback')
AND comment_status IN ('draft')
AND ( ( post_status = 'private'
AND post_creator_user_ID = 7 )
OR post_status IN ('published','protected') )
ORDER BY comment_date DESC, comment_ID DESC
I Repaired the DB in my cPanel but it didn't get better. Any ideas?
This is a host thing ;)